Very helpful response. Thx.For me - SNA
ASTB: NOV 2021
MEPS: DEC 2021
Board: MAY 2022
OCS: SEPT 2022
P.S. I was originally given an OCS date of JAN 2023 but someone in my NTAG dropped and I was asked if I could leave within 2 weeks.
P.S.2: A friend of mine from the MAY 2022 board had a date of JAN2023 and is actually going in JUN2023.
P.S.3: your mileage may vary. There are still aviator selects from the NOV2021 board who have not yet been to OCS. I’d recommend on just focusing on doing well on the ASTB and letting the chips fall where they will
You completed OCS so what do they have you doing now?
Did they assign you another job until it’s time for you to head to flight school?
Or are you currently in flight school?
Or were you sent home to wait(I don’t know if this is a thing, I hope not)?