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Lessons Learned From A Marine Getting Beat in a Bar Fight


yut king
As a future Marine officer, it pains me slightly to hear that a Marine got his ass handed to him by a sailor (though he certainly deserved it), but that is a damn good way of looking at things.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
As a future Marine officer, it pains me slightly to hear that a Marine got his ass handed to him by a sailor (though he certainly deserved it), but that is a damn good way of looking at things.

You would be suprised at how often that happens... :D


Well-Known Member
here's what i take away from that story. first no one should ever think that because they're XYZ, that they are invincible. keep the ego in check for chrissake. next, i'm 50 50 on whether or not this actually happened. pretty damn easy story to write if you want to make a point. on the other hand, even if it was made up, i'm sure the exact same thing has probably happened in real life 214 times. so overruled. finally, as it relates to hiz balls a, it's not a very accurate depiction. now if the Marine sucker punched the guy, and the guy took out his uzi and started mowing down the Marine and half the people in the bar, and the Marine never actually said "I give up" that would probably be a closer metaphor.:eek:

hey, you asked for my thoughts right?


Brewing Pilot
GMan, thanks for posting that editorial. It is quite insightful.

Now, I just wish the rest of the world would get their heads screwed on straight and realize this is what needs to happen. In my opinion, Israel is the proverbial cornered dog. Anything or anyone that threatens it can cause it to lash out. This time Hezbollah corned Israel to such an extent that, like the dog, it felt threatened for its very existence. And this time, Israel is going for the throat and won't stop until Hezbollah has been drained of its life. It's just a question of how long that takes...

(just my two cents...)


Brewing Pilot
Hmmm maybe I should use spell check next time...

And yes, I would like my two cents back...

Ohh and thanks for the dose of humility...





Registered User
This fellow points out one of the really strange aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict: that no Arab state has ever faced any lasting or meaningful consequences for starting wars with Israel. He was kind of off is saying that starting a war never failed for the Arabs--it failed pretty badly in 1967. But (almost) all was made well by, you guessed it, starting a war in 1973... If Israel is going to have to make an example of someone, though, it's too bad that it might be Lebanon. Although this looks like a hopeful sign



yut king
nail on the head. 'cept I have better fashion sense - and would have landed the girl. of course, if you asked him, he'd probably tell you about his great fashion sense, sex appeal, and charm.

you ever hear of that guy from chicago who kicked the texan's ass?