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Lessons Learned From A Marine Getting Beat in a Bar Fight


Well-Known Member
my questions in bold:

nail on the head (reference to what?). 'cept I have better fashion sense (what? than who?) - and would have landed the girl (what girl?). of course, if you asked him (who?), he'd probably tell you about his great fashion sense, sex appeal, and charm.

you ever hear of that guy from chicago (who?) who kicked the texan's ass? (what? why?)

sorry, but i have no idea what you're talking about.


That's exactly the same reason I'm with Henry Rollins...Halftime Capital Punishment...sponsored, perhaps, by Capital One??? NO ONE would commit crimes after seeing that!

Hell, Henry Rollins sang for Black Flag! Of course I'm with him!

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
the analogy and how Israel should proceed...(I could care less whether the fight "actually" occured)

I seriously doubt "the fight" ever occured. It sounds too much like a scene from a Patrick Swayze movie. Whatever.

The application to the fight in Lebanon is spot on, though.


Registered User
You Break It, You Buy It

While I personally like the analogy from the article, and think there are a few Arab states who stand to learn a good lesson from watching Israel destroy Hezbollah and dismantle half the Lebanese infrastructure in the process, I do wonder:

Do the Israelis really want their own experience with the Pottery Barn rule?

If I were Ehud Olmert, I think I'd be laying awake at night trying to find the fine line between bloodying-Hezbollah-as-much-as-possible and being-responsible-for-rebuilding-the-nation-state-next-door. Not much of a "lesson" for Israel's enemies if Olmert ends up with 100,000 Israeli soldiers tied up with the Lebanese "reconstruction" efforts next year.


Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
the analogy and how Israel should proceed...(I could care less whether the fight "actually" occured)

I really have no idea how Israel should proceed. I do know that the situation is a hell of alot more complicated than a bar fight between an "ogre of a marine" and some swabee.

If Israel can really "root" out Hezbollah, they should. Can they though? If Hexbollah starts to get bloodied and bashed by the IDF to a point where they will get overrun, they will simply melt back into the population that supports their cause. That is, until they can regroup.

What about this strategy?
Isreal could always just claim Lebenon as "New Israel". You know? That's it! We're sick of it. The whole of Lebenon, now "New Israel". Beirut, Israel. How do you think that would sit with the Arab world?


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Hell, Henry Rollins sang for Black Flag! Of course I'm with him!

Rollins actually applied the halftime idea to international affairs--if we started killing people at halftime, the other countries would say,"'Whoa, those f***ers are CRAZY! We're not messing with them! What about that woman you killed last week!' 'Her head's on my bedpost, ha!'"

Anyway, Israel's only friend in the world is us. Even our western allies don't back her. She won't win anyone over by backing out early, so she may as well go the distance and decapitate Hezballah and Hamas. We, the US and our allies, have to realize, as Israel has for years, that we are in a World War against Islamic extremism and start facing up to that fact. It's not a war against terrorism, that's a tactic, not an enemy. If we do not prevail, modern civilization as we know it will be over. Europe will fall in a generation or two, either by demographics or by violence if they don't step up. We need to make sure we don't end up in the ashheap of history.


Rollins actually applied the halftime idea to international affairs--if we started killing people at halftime, the other countries would say,"'Whoa, those f***ers are CRAZY! We're not messing with them! What about that woman you killed last week!' 'Her head's on my bedpost, ha!'"

Exactly what I said...I'm with him! Thanks for the correction...I didn't have my Human Butt album on hand. :)


Rollins mini threadjack (hey, I started this thread, damnit!):

"Recently, Rollins has spent much of his time engrossed in doing work for the USO. He has traveled all over the globe, to support the men and women of the armed forces. Despite his obvious disdain for the war and the current president (whom Rollins believes is both a "pussy" and a "coward"), Rollins is filled absolutely with compassion and concern for our Nation's soldiers. "It's personal now, they're my guys and I love them. So, any opportunity to make them laugh or tell them a story or buck them up in any way, I'm the first in line. I'm happy to come back from this tour and leave the next day for Afghanistan."

In addition to his work overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan with the USO, Rollins has done tours of Navy Medical and Walter Reed hospitals to visit the injured, returning from war." From This Article




p.s. HR could kick both the Marine AND the Sailor's asses... although Chuck Norris might present a small challenge... very small.

...END Threadjack... we now return to our regularly scheduled programming...:)


Rollins mini threadjack (hey, I started this thread, damnit!):

...END Threadjack... we now return to our regularly scheduled programming...:)

Mods...he jacked his own thread...war zone much??? Now to get back on topic...

I think it's great to have a celeb or two that makes it to see us...I'll start it with the closest I've come to celebs...

We had one of our OICs transport Robin Williams to the TR back in 2003. Got a great picture of him and Robin at the PAX Terminal in Bahrain when he came in to pick him up.