Never happened ... was not allowed.Don't forget to log the 0.2 with your cruise sock!![]()
Old daze .... KNO3 and all

Never happened ... was not allowed.Don't forget to log the 0.2 with your cruise sock!![]()
Funny how you old guys blame your "disfunctions" on saltpeter!Mmmmm...saltpeter....![]()
Funny how you old guys blame your "disfunctions" on saltpeter!
YOU TELL 'EM, MC .... boy, the stuff that is wasted on youth today ....What "disfunctions"? I can do at 72 everything I could do when I was 25, albeit perhaps a bit slower......
1035: Begin morning piss and shower.
1045: Piss complete. Into shower.
You took a 10 minute piss? I think you need to see a doctor![]()
Gents, this is why CAG LSOs are the Airwing's personalities and make cruise seem shorter! You should have seen the letter sent out when the Ensign in charge of the wardroom on JFK tried to cut eggs out of MIDRATS.Nose's cruise schedule:
Crack of 0600: Hear no-loads being fired on CAT 3. Roll over, go back to sleep.
0700: Hear roommate #1 (CVW flight doc) roll out of rack to "go to work." Roll over, go back to sleep.
0730: Don't hear roomate #2 (CVW Strike Ops officer) roll out of rack to go to work. Roll over, go back to sleep.
0800: Hear roommate #3 (Other CVW LSO) roll out of rack for 0900 brief. Roll over, go back to sleep.
0900: Hear some whistles and somone saying something about sweepers. Roll over, back to sleep.
1030: Rudely awakened by Tomcat launching off of CAT 3.
1035: Begin morning piss and shower.
1045: Piss complete. Into shower.
1045-1105: Shower. Make new batch of drain babies.
1105-1115: Floss/brush. Shave. Dress. (BDU trou/white Flt Dk Jersey today)
1120: Walk 20 feet to CVW OPS office, check e-mail.
1130: Grab float coat. Start Aft.
1135: Stop in RR7, help the schedule writer see where I can fit in the Screwtop's schedule for tomorrow.
1140: Stop in RR8, grab ear plugs. Up to flight deck.
1145: Wave event 1 recovery, save a couple of lives.
1200: Chow. Chili Mac again.
1245: Turn over with other CAG LSO. Go to stateroom, put on bag, go to RR7 for brief.
1300: Brief.
1400: Walk
1415: Start
1430: Launch
1430-1545: Freedom.
1546: 3 wire. Awesome pass, has to be an OK.
1600: Get debrief from LSO. What I remember from the debrief "Blah blah blah blah blah, Fair 3." Respond with "Thanks for keeping me off the ramp, paddles." Dicks.
1615: Turn over with other CVW LSO, I've got the platfrom for the rest of the day.
1630: Check e-mail.
1645: Change back into waving gear.
1700: Wave next recovery, save a couple of lives.
1730: Dinner. Pork Adobo. Enjoy listening to Sidewinder JO's rag the OPS O. Dog is a little icy tonight.
1845: Wave last day recovery. Only save one life this time. Slightly overcast, sun going down. Glad I'm not flying tonight!!
1900: 40 minutes on Nordic track on Flag bridge. Man, is it dark out.
2015: Wave first night recovery. 4 Waveoffs. Dark as hell. Glad I'm not flying.
2030: Go to stateroom. Splitting headache. Get 3 Advil out of 5000count jar, wash down with Gatorade. Mental note to tell Doc Rusty to get us another 5000 count jar of Advil.
2145: Wave next night recovery. Man is it dark out. Almost star recovery, but S-3 nugget in the tanker bolters. Enjoy the 5 minutes of silence waiting for him to go around the pattern. Enjoy watching him fly a crappy-ass no-grade a bit less.
2200: Check flight schedules. Night trap tomorrow night. Spinchter tightens just a bit. RR3 rolling "Sands of Iwo Jima." God love the Marines.
2315: Wave last night recovery. Save a couple of lives. Star recovery. I rock.
2359: Midrats. Cereal. Popcorn. Watered down bug juice. Laugh and scratch listening to guys talk about flying tonight. Realize I get to go do it my own self in about 22 hours. Spinchter tightens a bit more.
0030: Back to CAG Ops. Do daily reports. Debrief CAG on sucky S-3 nugget.
0100: Back to room. Roomates watching football on AFN. Get out beach chair, pour Gatorade, eat pretzels, watch football.
0200: Brush teeth, into rack. Fade to sleep. Night trap tomorrow night.
Repeat 180 to 200 times.
Maybe he was giving the cruise sock a workout...![]()
Just make sure you kick that jellyfish towards the drain, instead of leaving it for the next poor bastard to find... /end high school memory