As I continued going through family history records, ended up with some in the 37th Fighter (Pursuit) Group. What did they fly and where were they based? P-51's?, P-47's?, P-38's? Wait, it is a Boeing P-26 Peashooter and flying in Panama. Ironic that this was to be Boeing's last fighter accepted for mass production until they bought McDonnell Douglas. (Eventually the unit would get the P-40 which it used until disbanded in November 1943. The Boeing P-26 "Peashooter" was the first American production all-metal fighter aircraft and the first pursuit monoplane to enter squadron service with the United States Army Air Corps.

Boeing P-26 Peashooter - Wikipedia
37th Fighter Group (USAAF)
The 37th Fighter Group (USAAF) was a fighter unit that served as part of the defense force of the Panama Canal from 1940 until 1943.
37th Pursuit/Fighter Group