Don't forget, dispatch reliability. You helo bubbas know I am right. Helicopters are maintenance whores. How many helo's are required to generate the sortie rate of a 4 ship ATO, especially in an austere FOB, vs ship board. When push comes to shove, you can fly those ATs with bailing wire and speed tape repairs. Not so any helicopter I know.Lower parts count, cheaper to buy by order(s) of magnitude, cheaper to operate by order(s) of magnitude, longer endurance (8 hrs), greater range, probably lots quieter for ISR portion of mission, super cool amphib variant can land on water.
Sales pitch-y web page
Aircraft Overview - Air Tractor® AT-802U
The AT-802U is the largest single-engine turboprop in the world, with a maximum gross weight of 16,000 pounds and an 8,000 pound (3.629 kg) payload capacity. Since it first flew in 1990 more than 770 AT-802 airframes have been produced in a variety of FAA certificated versions. It brings
The Forest Service used to use AH-1s in the lead fire attack role. They don't use helos for that mission any more. Why is that? Cost and reliability.
I am still not 100% on board this program, but the debate is worthwhile.