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Little plane that could..coming soon.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
Yeah, those would be fun to fly I bet. Wonder if the military will buy any of them for small exec transport.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
small, fast, would quickly kill a first time plane buyer. I doubt they'll become typical GA transports...too expensive to maintain a jet engine.

Service ceiling?


Registered User
i've been watching that story developing for a few days now, should be interesting to see their effect on smaller airports that normally deal with the smaller sized aircraft.

i would speculate that we would see some decent airtraffic increases and economic increases from this.


Well-Known Member
definitely. there's small airports all over Maine, but the only major hub in Portland. weekend getaways from big cities might be more practical. On the other hand, I like maine the way it is..less developed, less people...

Cobra Commander

Awesome Bill from Dawsonville
I was just at the Eclipse factory in ABQ yesterday. We were supposed to get a tour, but everyone was on vacation after the plane got certified.:(
But I did get to see one up close a week ago and they are really cool. They have the Garmin G1000 up front (must be nice). It's hard to belive how small they are though.


Active Member
The down side is a bunch of airplanes at jet altitudes going 80 to 90 knots slower than everyone else.


Well-Known Member
DayJet Requirements:

3,000 hours flight time (excluding helicopter, simulator and flight engineer time)
1,000 hours as Pilot-in-Command (PIC)
1,000 hours multi-engine
500 hours turbo-jet PIC
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Certification

WTF? I can see them not counting sim time, but TOTALLY discount ANY helo time is BS. I can see 3K total, 1000 Multi, 500 Jet, but 1000 hours in Cessnas counts, while 1000 hours in a Multi-Engine Turbine Helo does not.

Guess I am staying out of the VLJ field as well.


damn homeowners' associations
My sister is working for the company that is building/installing the autopilots on the Eclipse. She's seen one when its flown to the airport she works at in Texas and said its a pretty neat little jet. It was a big deal there as well when it got certified by the FAA.


Mefesto said:
...Hell I can't even legally get a Hornet as high as this thing will go... RVSM is a *****.
Wait a minute ... you can't do/go RVSM in one our Navy's finest ??? And you guys think an ADF is "old" .... :)


Active Member
We usually fly 350 to 410 and I've only seen turboprops on TCAS.
An F18 at non RVSM altitudes must be quite the gas guzzler.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
flying a little "air taxi" for a living sounds like it would be a great job...

You can’t get in man. Didn’t you hear, the requirements to be an air taxi pilot are that you be foreign, don’t speak English well, and wear a turban.

Okay, that was completely insensitive…

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Sounds like the FAA really is working the point-to-point idea. I remember reading that they wanted to scrub the hub-and-spoke system of today and move to a point-to-point system flying smaller jets, such as what we see here. It would revolutionize air travel.

And Portland is far from a hub... it's a spoke :)