I haven't gone through OCS or bootcamp with an IUD, but I did have the Mirena for 4 years. I had it taken out about 6 months before I went to DCOIC. I will send you a PM about my experiences with Mirena.
Regarding the 'Female White T-shirts' on what items to bring, can anyone give me a tip on what exactly that means? I assume crew neck because it would be for wearing under a uniform. Did anyone really like a certain brand? Right now Old Navy has white t-shirts for $5 but it's a scoop neck. In the past I've bought packs of white men's t-shirts from Fred Meyer/Target like stores when making team shirts.
Any ladies been through recently with the new hair policy? Just wondering what kind of hair related items did you bring? I don't plan on cutting my hair so I'm trying to figure out the most efficient and secure way to make my bun in the mornings. Any products you recommend or wish you would have brought?
How are you training for pushups? Are you juset doing a whole bunch of them or do you have some type of training plan that you follow?Just curious for the females getting ready to go into OCS or that have recently gone through, what were your PRT stats going in?
I've got all the limits and whatnot, just interested to hear where people are (especially push ups). When I first looked at the limits I was a little freaked about the push ups but am at ~25 in 2 minutes and gaining ground every day.
Just curious for the females getting ready to go into OCS or that have recently gone through, what were your PRT stats going in?
I've got all the limits and whatnot, just interested to hear where people are (especially push ups). When I first looked at the limits I was a little freaked about the push ups but am at ~25 in 2 minutes and gaining ground every day.
Just curious for the females getting ready to go into OCS or that have recently gone through, what were your PRT stats going in?
I've got all the limits and whatnot, just interested to hear where people are (especially push ups). When I first looked at the limits I was a little freaked about the push ups but am at ~25 in 2 minutes and gaining ground every day.
How are you training for pushups? Are you juset doing a whole bunch of them or do you have some type of training plan that you follow?
Thanks for the information! Also congrats on completing OCS!It takes practice. 25 in 2 minutes isn't too difficult. For a 27 year old female, the max push ups in 2 minutes is 46 and min is 13. Practice doing a pyramid of push ups before bed or when you wake up. start with 1, then progressively move up to 10 and then back down to 1. Practice good form.
Personally, I also lifted 5x-6x a week before OCS and did a lot of high intensity interval training. I got my 1.5mile down to 10:17 pre OCS and stayed at around 1030ish minutes during OCS.. Plus, the PRT or any physical activity isn't too bad at OCS. Eat healthy, exercise daily, and you'll do great.
How much room do we have to store our hygiene products? Just wondering how much I'm allowed to bring. The list on the OCS website doesn't specify what all we're allowed to bring in that department. For example, would I have enough room to bring shampoo, conditioner, body wash and face wash? Or should I condense that down to bar soap and a shampoo/conditioner mix? Also, are we allowed to bring hair dryers? Thanks!