How did birds get back to a moving boat before reliable radio and satellite navigation?
What do birds use to get back to the boat now?
You should know the PIM before you launch from the flight brief on CVIC TV.
You have GPS nav and RLG Nav Systems that are accurate to a Gnat's ass.
You usually also have a TACAN on at the CVN and controllers and smallboy radars that can see you out to at least 100 miles.
Lots of ways to get home.
As HJ said, I've never called my jet a bird.
Or we could just let this guy go and follow him home...

When I was in VF-114, VF-213 lost a jet the cruise before I got there. An F-14A lauched with out a good SINS alignment on a long range Chainsaw mission. Got lost...flamed out 400 miles from the one knew where they went. An A-7 at the edge of his search pattern picked up the beacon on guard.
Crew eventually got rescued. RIO dubbed with the apropos callsign "Magellan."