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Lost and Found?


former Marine F/A-18 pilot & FAC, current MBA stud
"SIMUNITION"? Jeez, first we simulate flying, then missions, D/N carqual... now simming shooting live rounds in the air??? We're gonna put all our Plane Capts & Ordies, Grapes etc. on unemployment. Why don't we just simulate daily life, and edit out all the woes & pitfalls... oh wait, that's virtual reality, we already have that on the toob. Somewhere A4s weeps!!!:(

OK, ok, throttle back. They are real 20mm rounds fired out of a real M61A2 cannon from a real airplane shooting at a real banner being towed 2000' behind another real airplane. The only quirky thing about them is that the outsides of the rounds are painted different colors so you can count up the hits on the banner and see who's buying the beer.

I called them " 'simunition' type rounds" because the idea is similar to what we used when I was in TBS. Except these rounds go full speed and use the same barrel. So really they are nothing like simunitions except that they leave a colored ring around the hole they leave in the banner. Happy?


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Hey, that's a photo of my done kill. Bagged it of Pt. Mugu many years ago with a 'Winder. I have studied the ocean currents and they would have carried that bagged BQM to that area of the PI over time.
Now about that "acceptance date." Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Air to air gunnery, if that's what you are referring to, is usually done using a towed banner and "simunition" type rounds that are colored red, blue, etc. That way you have actual proof in the debrief that you got more rounds on target than lead did.
Unless the ordies, unbeknownst to the flight crews secretly switch the colored rounds before take-off. :)

Indeed, a couple of cases of beer from RAG student JOs to the ordies can make even the best RAG instructor gunner look like a rookie in the live gunnery debrief!