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Low ASTB scores


New Member
Im trying to get in the Navy as a NFO and have low ASTB scores. Ive been out of college for a long time and got all 4s. I have everything in the prt maxed out. A 3.14 gpa and will probably be having 3 06 LORs. Is this good enough?


Well-Known Member
No one here can tell you if that's enough. I'll give you a generic yet insightful reply and say that your chances are 0% if you don't apply. So apply; you've got nothing to lose.

4/4/4 isn't terribly competitive but the board might see something in your package.


Well-Known Member
I would say study up and try the ASTB again.

Just really sit down and study for it and your scores will improve a lot.
Good luck!


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
I concur with loadtoad. There are plenty of study materials and all you need to do is practice then re-take the ASTB. You have a total of three chances to get a good score on the test. Good luck.

-ea6bflyr ;)


Solidly part of the 42%.
Agreed. Many people are afraid to take it again because they might get a lower score. For you, as long as you study, it is likely that your score won't go down. If you retake it and your score goes down, it probably wasn't mean to be.

Incidently, I've seen people with your scores get selected out of NROTC for SNA.


Well-Known Member
If you retake it and your score goes down, it probably wasn't mean to be.

I have to disagree with that. I retook the test and went from a 6/6/7/55 to a 5/5/5/56... I wouldn't say that that means that it wasn't meant to be for me, it just means I have to do much better on my 3rd attempt and make sure my grades don't drop... or if my scores don't improve much, improve my grades.

OP, don't get discouraged with low scores, you still have two chances to retake the test, and if you don't improve all that much, there are still other ways to improve your package... if you want it enough, just keep trying.


Will fly for food.
The ARCO book helped a lot in studying. I think I got it from Amazon. The only thing is I'm not sure if it's been updated for the new versions of the ASTB. It'll still work, but some of the information about the test will be wrong.


Solidly part of the 42%.
I have to disagree with that. I retook the test and went from a 6/6/7/55 to a 5/5/5/56... I wouldn't say that that means that it wasn't meant to be for me, it just means I have to do much better on my 3rd attempt and make sure my grades don't drop...

I definitely see your line of thought, and it's a little odd. I didn't mean that ANY time your score goes down, you're hosed. If I retook it and my 9s went to 8s I think I'd be okay.

From his perspective though, he has much more room to go up with his 4's. With 6's and 7's, that's reaching critical mass for just about everybody and is much riskier.


Well-Known Member
I definitely see your line of thought, and it's a little odd. I didn't mean that ANY time your score goes down, you're hosed. If I retook it and my 9s went to 8s I think I'd be okay.

From his perspective though, he has much more room to go up with his 4's. With 6's and 7's, that's reaching critical mass for just about everybody and is much riskier.

I see what you're saying now, got lost in the e-translation.


Solidly part of the 42%.
check with the marines, i know they care about that pft score alot more then the navy does.

Strangely though, our ASTB requirements are also higher. You gotta be 5's and 6's just to get in the door. I'll do a search for the specifics.


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
What did your recruiter tell you to do? When I took it the first time, I was told I need to re-take it. I studied, and upped my score. He then said I was good to submit. I would follow your recruiters advice since s/he has most likely seen everything you are submitting.


Well-Known Member
Strangely though, our ASTB requirements are also higher. You gotta be 5's and 6's just to get in the door. I'll do a search for the specifics.

I'm not sure if your ASTB requirements are higher, but either way it seems to be a pass/fail type thing for marines. If you get over the mins, it seems to just be a check in the box. Any time the application process ever came up in conversation with a marine, they always told me they "passed" but couldn't recall their score.

For Navy, we have mins on the ASTB, but if you get the mins or just over, don't count on getting a slot. My recruiter told me (when I applied) that there were mins, but if I didn't get all 7s and a 65 I'd probably not be very competitive.

Just something to think about.


Solidly part of the 42%.
I believe your recruiter did say that, but 7/7/7/65 is pretty good. You're talking top 20% of all applicants. There are many people in with lower. It seems though that 7+ is pretty undeniable so it is definitely something to shoot for.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Incidently, I've seen people with your scores get selected out of NROTC for SNA.

Different selection odds
. NROTC and USNA are PRIMARY commissioning sources.....whereas OCS fill the shortfall. The selection criteria for OCS selection is much more competitive.

As for getting selected for NFO, there are less people selecting NFO, so you are more likely to get selected with the mins.

-ea6bflyr ;)