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Low ASTB scores


Im trying to get in the Navy as a NFO and have low ASTB scores. Ive been out of college for a long time and got all 4s. I have everything in the prt maxed out. A 3.14 gpa and will probably be having 3 06 LORs. Is this good enough?

If you get to flight school with scores that don't meet the minimum requirement, they will make you retake the ASTB once you report.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
If you get to flight school with scores that don't meet the minimum requirement, they will make you retake the ASTB once you report.

That makes no sense! How can you get selected for Pilot or NFO if you DO NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS? Can you site a source or someone that got selected for OCS as a pilot or NFO without meeting the MINs?

They wouldn't be called mins if they weren't the mins (3/4 for NFO; 3/4 for pilot [AQR/FAR]).

-ea6bflyr ;)


That makes no sense! How can you get selected for Pilot or NFO if you DO NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS? Can you site a source or someone that got selected for OCS as a pilot or NFO without meeting the MINs?

They wouldn't be called mins if they weren't the mins (3/4 for NFO; 3/4 for pilot [AQR/FAR]).

-ea6bflyr ;)

I don't know how or why the people were selected, but there was a breakdown in communication somewhere. My comment was stated because we have put two people in tears, and gave two other people the oh sht face in the last three days of last week. The only people Grandfathered for lower than minimum ASTB scores are STA-21 applicants who were selected before they raised the minimum ASTB requirement. When the student shows up to Pensacola their record is checked for ASTB scores, if they aren't the minimum for their designator they get a call with some bad news. The only people who I saw this happen to were from OCS and one STA-21, but he was grandfathered.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
I don't know how or why the people were selected, but there was a breakdown in communication somewhere. My comment was stated because we have put two people in tears, and gave two other people the oh sht face in the last three days of last week.

Gotcha just2mch....understand it's not the NORM, but it has happened. Thanks for clearing that up.

Back to the advice for couell3584: Study up and re-take the test if you want the competitive edge. YOU HAVE MET THE MIN REQUIREMENTS. Has your Officer Recruiter told you if you have a shot with what you have so far?

-ea6bflyr :)


"I live vicariously through myself."
I'm not sure if your ASTB requirements are higher, but either way it seems to be a pass/fail type thing for marines. If you get over the mins, it seems to just be a check in the box. Any time the application process ever came up in conversation with a marine, they always told me they "passed" but couldn't recall their score.

For Navy, we have mins on the ASTB, but if you get the mins or just over, don't count on getting a slot. My recruiter told me (when I applied) that there were mins, but if I didn't get all 7s and a 65 I'd probably not be very competitive.

Just something to think about.

Thats what I was told too... I got a 5/7/6 50 and got picked up first try. I think its all timing.


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
You have prior experience though. Anyone get the slot with those scores without being a prior recently?