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M249 In The Cockpit?


Registered User
Wow that's a lot of crap. I've heard of one of the guys in a different squadron using one out the door of his Kiowa, but it was a one time thing, he didn't carry it on a regular basis. The veering over into the -64 community comment was a little...odd, it's by no means unheard of to change aircraft, but you also don't do it on a whim, and you don't do it just because your hawk brethren make fun of you.


former Marine F/A-18 pilot & FAC, current MBA stud
I carry a couple AT-4s in the Hornet.

I guess he's banking on having broken legs or something and not even thinking about moving if his helo goes down because that's a lot of shit to be carrying.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
That guy is a complete douche. It's one thing to be properly prepared for E&E. It's another to think you'll be Duke Nukem out there.


In it for the naked volleyball
Yeah, not really sure what's up with this dude. I guess you could attribute it to him being a former 18B, but you'd think he'd have some common sense. Unless he thinks he's Rambo, that all seems like overkill.

Without seeing his face, he looks pretty young to have held 3 MOS's prior to becoming a pilot. You figure 2 years minimum as whatever his first MOS was, then re-up to change MOS, spend another 2 years doing that before applying to SFAS, and then another 2 years in the SFQC. So he's either a poser, or another likely scenario is that he has a terrible personality and never fit in on a team, and that's why he jumped to being a pilot after that. His decision to switch communities again (this time airframe) likely points to that. Then again, maybe he just can't sit still and needs something new, and he really is high speed.


Well-Known Member
I zoomed in and maybe it's there and I'm not seeing it, but I don't see a bipod ring around the gas tube or legs under the stock, so I don't think there is one there.

So it seems like he significantly increased the weight of his fighting load in both equipment and ammunition, and is now forced to employ a light machine gun "from the hip."

And if it really does hit the fan and he has to hold out for a length of time, as he talks about in the article, why pick a weapon which is going to use up ammunition considerably faster than a rifle? (85 rounds at the sustained rate compared to 12-15 with an M16). How many 100 round bags is he carrying on him?

Plus SAW's jam like a bitch if you don't lube them up pretty consistently.

I don't see too much of an upside to this, other than being able to look pretty sweet in pictures.


Solidly part of the 42%.
And if it really does hit the fan and he has to hold out for a length of time, as he talks about in the article, why pick a weapon which is going to use up ammunition considerably faster than a rifle? (85 rounds at the sustained rate compared to 12-15 with an M16). How many 100 round bags is he carrying on him?

Plus SAW's jam like a bitch if you don't lube them up pretty consistently.

Exactly the issues I was thinking about. A light machine gun and a thumper. He'd make a great fire support element for himself. Suppressing fire sounds cool, but the bad guys just have to be patient if you're not following it with an assault. The M203 is fine, but hook it to a rifle, learn how to aim, and use all that space the SAW is taking up for a footlocker full of extra mags. I'm not even going to talk about the reliability of the SAW when it's not being coddled by a guy who knows it in and out.


- hawk Pilot
He has the luxury to do that as an assault guy. I would love to see him run AND haul all that out to the flight Line after hearing "MEDEVAC, MEDEVAC, MEDEVAC!" We would be off the ground and enroute before he got all that stuff stowed and himself buckled in. Not to menton the fact that he probably has limited aft cyclic travel if he is wearing that M-203 on his chest while flyng.

"I got a lot of flack by some of the safety/standards pogues in my organization that wouldnt be able to field strip my weapons much less tactically employ them."

We have a few guys like this in our company, only not as bad. I frequently find myself wishing they would put as much enthusiasm into their real job; flying, understanding, tactically employing and caring for their aircraft. It is great that they will be well prepared in the event they PL somewhere. However I prefer putting my emphasis on how NOT to PL or get shot down.

Note: FWIW, I carry an M9 and an M4. I have 4 M4 mags in my vest, one in the gun, and 6 more in a bag in the back, plus 3 more M9 mags. The bag has water, an MRE, a pair of socks, tshirt, underwear, toothbrush and a razor.


Registered User
RobLyman well said - if he is looking for that kind of firepower - a simple M240 egress kit will do the trick in place of the SAW....


Well-Known Member
Sweet! He's got got the LMG category covered, along with a n00b tube. (Not sure how he managed that; must be some sort of a hacker.) I wonder what he uses for his secondary weapon...does the n00b tube count as #2? Or is that part of his primary weapon, and he still has a second? If so, I'd use the Strela-3 as my secondary weapon...with either flash bangs or stuns as my 'nades, and Claymores as my Equipment.

As far as perks, I would use Hardline Pro (to complement the increased rate of fire associated with the LMG). I'd probably also go with Warlord Pro, in order to get the extra grenades (assuming that I couldn't throw any attachments onto the n00b tube-enhanced SAW). Finally, I'd go with Hacker Pro. A lot of people don't like this perk, but it's awesome for 1. Keeping you alive, and 2. IDing enemy locations.

Of course, like I said, the fact that he got the SAW and a separate n00b tube indicates that he's a hacker, and can/will do whatever he wants anyway.


Registered User
I want to know why he feels that he feels that he needs his identity hidden.

I showed this to one of my hawk buddies and he said Why, you've got the door gunners weapons, then he asked if this guy is so excited about the SAW, why doesn't he stow it in the back instead of trying to jam it into the cockpit.


Well-Known Member
Sweet! He's got got the LMG category covered, along with a n00b tube. (Not sure how he managed that; must be some sort of a hacker.) I wonder what he uses for his secondary weapon...does the n00b tube count as #2? Or is that part of his primary weapon, and he still has a second? If so, I'd use the Strela-3 as my secondary weapon...with either flash bangs or stuns as my 'nades, and Claymores as my Equipment.

As far as perks, I would use Hardline Pro (to complement the increased rate of fire associated with the LMG). I'd probably also go with Warlord Pro, in order to get the extra grenades (assuming that I couldn't throw any attachments onto the n00b tube-enhanced SAW). Finally, I'd go with Hacker Pro. A lot of people don't like this perk, but it's awesome for 1. Keeping you alive, and 2. IDing enemy locations.

Of course, like I said, the fact that he got the SAW and a separate n00b tube indicates that he's a hacker, and can/will do whatever he wants anyway.

Nothing says Rambo like an explosive tipped arrow! Maybe take a tomahawk and knife too...



Well-Known Member
Nothing says Rambo like an explosive tipped arrow! Maybe take a tomahawk and knife too...

+1 on the arrow, but -1 on the tomahawk. Those things are hard enough to use on your feet...can you imagine trying to throw a tomahawk from a choppah?

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
+1 on the arrow, but -1 on the tomahawk. Those things are hard enough to use on your feet...can you imagine trying to throw a tomahawk from a choppah?

The tomahawk is absolutely necessary as a melee weapon, but it must be unlocked first. It was the only thing missing from your earlier post.