The thing is, Electrical Engineering Technology, which I was considering, and any engineering degree in general, seems like it is really difficult. .
"My advice is to get a digree you want and can use in case aviation doesn't work out for you..."
Not sure how the boards view Engineering Technology vs Engineering, but in the civilian world it is the difference between a gourmet chef and a cook at McDonald's.
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So are you saying I should look into a different major? Or maybe stick with the BAS in Electronics and Manufacturing?
^Degree means shit. Hard work/good attitude means everything.
Not quite that high. 45% of USN 1310s are rotary.What percentage of Coast Guard pilots fly Helicopters? I know that approximately 65% of all Naval Aviators in the Navy are Helicopter pilots....What is the breakdown for the CG?
I quit the USNA and I am still here! Sad times though... had to transfer and spend my own money to attend the U of Arizona. Lots of wasted money on beer and booze. If I could only choose again~
x2 (million). I as all set to go to RPI and I get a late call about an alternate spot at CGA. And look at me now!!!!!Ha, ha....I graduated USCGA and often wish I had transferred and spent my money on beer and booze at a 'normal' college!
Probably a good thing I CAN'T choose again.
Is RPI Rochester Poly?
A bit off topic, but how competitive is it to go to HITRON? Only a few more weeks till CATP!
What is it that you folks don't get? Why do you insist, incesantly I might add, on playing this "what if, what degree, might not work out, I need a graduate degree, can't decide" bullshit? What if your other career doesn't work out for you? What is it that your passionate about? What is it that motivates the hell out of you when you get up in the morning? Find it and chase it - until you're either dead or successful.