Nii Ayitey
MPT&EWe’re they posted to BUPERS?
MPT&EWe’re they posted to BUPERS?
They could have selected 8 and the dashboard update shortly before the board closed it showed only 9 to be reviewed (there could have been others added after update and before the board closed).Results have been posted. 6 applicants were selected. 5 enlisted, 1 civilian.
Are you able to find out if you were reviewed? Or, if you were not, why? If you were not reviewed, I assume it would be because there was an error on the application or something disqualifying, right?They could have selected 8 and the dashboard update shortly before the board closed it showed only 9 to be reviewed (there could have been others added after update and before the board closed).
If seen by the board you will be either pro Y or N. If not on either there was either was something incomplete with your application.Are you able to find out if you were reviewed? Or, if you were not, why? If you were not reviewed, I assume it would be because there was an error on the application or something disqualifying, right?
Where are they posted?Results have been posted. 6 applicants were selected. 5 enlisted, 1 civilian.
It is internal USN site, several of the smaller communities have websites where after notification they will post a "welcome" to the new selections for their designator.Where are they posted?
If anyone hasn't heard back yet, I do have access to the list of those who made it. If you want to send me your name in a message I can let you
I don't see your name anywhere on there. Did you get confirmation that your package was sent on to the board?Would you mind checking to see if my name is on there? Brandon Keltgen
Do you know if your recruiter said it was sent to NRC prior to the deadline?According to my recruiter it did. I’m a prior service applicant for the AMDO reserve DCO
The person that should be sending it off is the Officer Processor, the physical is given to the recruiter/Officer Processor who sends it to get a PQ letter from N3M, then the recruiter gives the application to the Officer Processor who routes it through the chain of command, then back to the Officer Processor who send the PQ letter and application to NRC. I am wondering if it was submitted either late or submitted and there were already enough applicants for the board.According to the program manager at Meps it was sent back in February, the deadline from what I was told was Mar 12th
The person that should be sending it off is the Officer Processor, the physical is given to the recruiter/Officer Processor who sends it to get a PQ letter from N3M, then the recruiter gives the application to the Officer Processor who routes it through the chain of command, then back to the Officer Processor who send the PQ letter and application to NRC. I am wondering if it was submitted either late or submitted and there were already enough applicants for the board.
I meant to say officer processor, yes it was the officer processor who sent it of to NRC and it was accepted according to my recruiter who said he confirmed with the processor. But it was submitted a few weeks before the deadline so it wasn’t late. But like you said I am wondering if there were already enough applicants.The person that should be sending it off is the Officer Processor, the physical is given to the recruiter/Officer Processor who sends it to get a PQ letter from N3M, then the recruiter gives the application to the Officer Processor who routes it through the chain of command, then back to the Officer Processor who send the PQ letter and application to NRC. I am wondering if it was submitted either late or submitted and there were already enough applicants for the board.