How long did it take you to get your application submitted? I hope you don't mind sharing some stats...Hey guys, I just got approved to reply today. I am checking in for the March 07, 2016 IDC board..
How long did it take you to get your application submitted? I hope you don't mind sharing some stats...Hey guys, I just got approved to reply today. I am checking in for the March 07, 2016 IDC board..
I started the process July 2015. I submitted my package sometime in December right before the Holidays.
I applied for Supply, Intel and IDW but unfortunately, the person who processed my package overlooked the age waiver I had for Supply Corps and just decided to not process for the Supply board that happened on February 22. So, now I am just waiting for IDC board to happen next week.
My stats aren't great, but I thought it was worth a try.
E3 Aviation Machinist Mate
No Awards, PC of Month and PC of Quarter
1 LoR from O3
3 Interviews O4, O4, O5 select
OAR: 48
DLPT: Korean 3/3/3 Mandarin-Chinese 2/2/2
BSBA: Major Information Technology. Minor: Management
GPA: 2.83
Hope this can be some what of help to some of you guys out there.
It's unfortunate to hear about the age waiver...a lot of similarities with my package.
Your have a great degree, great DLPT score, reasonable OAR. Your GPA may get you through @NavyOffRec may disagree...other than that I wish you good luck man
I started the process July 2015. I submitted my package sometime in December right before the Holidays.
I applied for Supply, Intel and IDW but unfortunately, the person who processed my package overlooked the age waiver I had for Supply Corps and just decided to not process for the Supply board that happened on February 22. So, now I am just waiting for IDC board to happen next week.
My stats aren't great, but I thought it was worth a try.
E3 Aviation Machinist Mate
No Awards, PC of Month and PC of Quarter
1 LoR from O3
3 Interviews O4, O4, O5 select
OAR: 48
DLPT: Korean 3/3/3 Mandarin-Chinese 2/2/2
BSBA: Major Information Technology. Minor: Management
GPA: 2.83
Hope this can be some what of help to some of you guys out there.
If you are an E-3 then you probably haven't been in long, that means you won't have much time that will count to a waiver, how much TIS do you have, are you getting close to 29 or over it already.
GPA is very important and it will probably get him
And no IDC experience.
Honestly, I just wanted to see if I could use my language and my cultural background as advantage. Since I am Korean born in China. I am familiar with both of the cultures. If they don't accept, oh well, I guess I will submit toward a different designator next time.
language isn't that important, not a single person I had picked up IDC listed it (some spoke it due to family), they all had high GPA's and or tech degrees.
how old are you? the hard thing is the designators with lots of spots have low age limits.
I am currently 30. I will be turning 31 in November. TIS 1yr 8months
you could give SWO a shot, you would have realistically one shot for SWO and Supply.