New member, let me introduce myself.....
My names Mike, I stumbled across the site recently on my quest for info on Marine aviation. I've been lurking for just a short while and have already found tons of useful advice. I'm 19 and a sophmore at DWC College (small aviation school) in NH, although Ironically enough I'm a marketing major. Anyway when I graduate I'm planning on joining the Marines and going into aviation. The route I'd like to go is 10 week PLC (w/ aviation contract) the summer between junior and senior year, then obviously TBS, flight, etc. after I graduate. I've already talked with my OSO, and I'm meeting with him at the end of next week to hopefully get this set up.
Here's some background on me; I'm about 5' 10", 160lbs, 20/20 vision. I just started working on my PFT routine, and right now I'm at 16 pullups, 90 situps and 22 minute mile (shooting for a perfect score, I know I can nail pull ups and situps, but the run will be a challenge). I have a GPA of 3.5-3.6, and SAT scores were 1360/1600. I have no flying experience although I've been racing cars/karts of all sorts since I was 10 years old, so I have a pretty good feel for equipment. I absolutely love driving, and can just get in the car and drive for 6 hours. I commute an hour to school and currently work at my fathers shop fixing and selling german cars, with a specialty in Porsche/BMW. I also love long range shooting, and am a complete gun nut (19 and I already own 4 guns). I've always been a crack shot with a rifle, although I can't seem to replicate the results with handguns. I played hockey for many years, as a goalie, so I like to think my reflexes are cat like

Why Marines? I've always liked the way you aren't just a pilot and they are looking for a more complete person.... or maybe it's just the uniform and "the few, the proud..." marketing BS worked on me

. I know alot of kids in AFROTC, and most seem to just be aviation nuts who want to fly. I'm realy not like that at all, I've always had a small interest in aviation but I'm not joining the service simply so I can fly, and they can pay for it. I'm joining because I've always felt a duty to serve, and I feel like my skill set would be best put to use in aviation.
Anyway do I sound like a good candidate? I've already searched and found the answers to most of my questions, but if anyone has any advice I'm all ears.
Thanks, Mike