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Marine ASTB Scores

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Registered User
I recently took the marine test form 2 and did not to do to bad on it but i still failed. I did bad on the nautical information and would appreciate any help anyone can give me. You are only allowed to take the test two times now. The other parts i did ok on but the nautical killed me. I studied the arco book but none of the stuff i studied was on the test.



Registered User
How else was form 2 to the study guide? You say there was alot of nautical questions? I am taking form 2 soon, so any help would be great from what you remember


Registered User

The best that i can say is study history of the navy alittle. Like the father of the modern Navy is John Paul Johns. Also a lot of situational stuff was on there like if the elevators control this ont he plane then it must control this. Thats the best i can give you and study ship styles and the rules of right of way on the open sea.


Registered User
i have to take form 2 in a month and i need to know where to learn the nauticle and aviation terms and such. can someone help me?


Registered User
How were the other sections compared to the study guide? Is the mechnaical comp. similar or are there more of one thing?
I just took my ASTB a few days ago for the Marine Corps. I managed to pull out a 9 AQR, 9 PFAR. The info on this site for the aviation and nautical info test is a great place to start. Anyone who is taking this test should keep in mind that the ANT and SAT (spatial apperception) are weighted heavily for pilots. Unfortunately, there is no study material for the ANT (aside from practice problems), and the SAT examples in the ARCO guide are not very good. The real test will show the plane flying at various angles to the coast, not just parallel and perpendicular like the guide shows. I highly suggest to anyone who has the time read a few aviation and naval history books in addition to having a good grip on the physics of planes and boats, and the names for the different parts of planes and boats. You also need to know things like how an airport runway is laid out (lights, numbers, etc) and the US buoy system. Understanding the basics of navigation and meteorology is helpful too.

Here are some of the books and websites that I used (sorry, can't find them all). I think a few are listed in the material on this site, but I can't remember which ones. Anyway, I hope this is helpful for someone.

http://www.usafa.af.mil/dfp/cockpit-phys/cp_anch1.htm (this site is VERY basic) (more in-depth site, also some history)
http://www.boatsafe.com/nauticalknowhow/boating/6_3.htm (buoy and navaid stuff)
http://www.celestialnavigation.net/ (OK site, also has many links)
httP://www.airwarriors.com/ (of course!)

The Student Pilot's Flight Manual by William Kershner


Registered User
If you want to do well on the Marine ASTB, all you need to do is print out the three study guides from this web site. One is for the spacial apperception section, one is basic physics/mechanics concepts and the third (and most important) is a general practice test.

The thing with the pactice test is, it was made by an OSO a few years ago strait from the real test. If you familiarize yourself with this practice test, you'll be golden because A LOT of the questions are IDENTICAL. Just the numbers have been changed.

I looked over the stuff for a few hours the night before I took the test and I got an 8/7.

Good luck, and don't stress. It's not that bad.


Registered User
Just print out the 3 gouges from this web site.

Most importantly, really spend some time on the practice test because a lot of the questions on that will be IDENDICAL to the ones on the real test.
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