Originally posted by Frumby
You certainly have a different perspective then what I've known. First, if you think your too tall for Prowlers at 6'2", guess again. I can introduce you to a number of pilots and NFO's who are over 6'3". The new skipper of Q-3 is over 6'3". Regarding F-18D's, initially WSO's find it difficult with the single seat mentality but so do pilots. The airplane is designed for two and can only be operated, to be effective, by two. Pilots that don't play nice usually don't last long and NFO's who think they can put the banana in front of the monkey to make him fly also have limited longevity. Professionalism generally prevails. Considering the assistant Commandant is an NFO, I think the bias has been squelched. I will admit that the Navy is a different story and there is a great desparity between pilots and NFO's.
After your first year, FAC, Flight Instructor or Amphibious Warfare School is the usually choices for pilots. FAC and AWS being the least favored but if you suck up a 1 year FAC billet the monitor generally will assign you to flight school if you desire. Instructor billets can be hard to come by. NFO's are a different story. FAC is a possibility but a limited number go this route. AWS is a good choice from a promotion stand point. NFO's especially, ECMO's have a wide variety from which to choose from. The Electronic Warfare mystique can find them in some very colorful and interesting billets. There are more EW billets then there are ECMO's.
Hope this adds a little more insight. Frumby
Attack Pilot
That's good to know. Can you tell us what goes on at AWS. Thanks.
Mongol General: ...Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Mongol General: That is good.