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Marine Pilot slot in NROTC?


New Member
In addition to common sense, I recieved that information from a Col. who has spent 34 years as an infantry officer in the Corps. I feel thats a pretty reliable source.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
In addition to common sense, I recieved that information from a Col. who has spent 34 years as an infantry officer in the Corps. I feel thats a pretty reliable source.

The irony in this is amazing... :D

1. This gentleman was an infantry OFFICER not an E-5.

2. I am pretty sure that he was not screaming at you when he gave you your knowledges.

3. It sounds like he was mentoring you as well...

Thank you Forbes for proving my point...

Game, Set, Match...


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
Drill instructors? They are there to yell at you and show you how to fold your underwear... There is a reason that we don't have drill instructors at NROTC... I was speaking about more of a mentor relationship than a Full Metal Jacket scream session.

Well we do have DIs, the AMOI. Some units use them for their DI function, some don't I guess.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I came by that conclusion from common sense. And did you come by that conclusion by your experience in the Marine Corps or the navy? Because, if the latter, with all due respect, I dont think there are many similarities.

Again, you're not in a position to be making assumptions such as those. Despite what you may believe, the functional and leadership differences between the two services are minimal and quite inconsequential. Consider yourself counseled. ;)



New Member
If youve completed OCS and you learned nothing more than how to fold underwear from your staff then I feel your truly missed out on a challenging and humbling experience...playing soldier for a couple of years on campus and wearing a cute uniform dont make you a marine...

So you think OCS was a humbling experience, do you? Why don't you act like it and stop being so pompous and obnoxious. Long post short--you have a long way to go before you will be useful to the Marine Corps. Don't make fun of people who chose a different commissioning path than you.


In response to a guaranteed commission, that is a load of crap.

No one said anything about a guaranteed commission, the question was about a guaranteed flight school contract after you commission.

playing soldier for a couple of years on campus and wearing a cute uniform dont make you a marine.

I'll let your negative perception about ROTC slide because you go to A&M...it's understandable.


In response to a guaranteed commission, that is a load of crap.

RTFQ- The original poster was asking about the garunteed MOS contracts (ie the flight contracts)

noone will show you more thouroughly how to be a marine officer than a SNCO. Dont kid yourself, Enlisted marines are the backbone of the marine corps and its their lives your put in charge of so they should be the ones to train you....hence drill instructors at OCS....I came by that conclusion from common sense.

Dude, you aren't even commissioned yet. You have no baseline to gauge what most throughly shows you how to be an officer.

Many people would argue, as you have, that the PLC/OCC experience is just a screening process. The SNCO gets you to the door- once you pin on your bars and walk through it, thats where you start to learn how to be an officer.

Dont for a minute think that your ROTC program is OCS. Im quite sure NROTC is a great experience in which a great deal is learned. OCS wasnt created to teach you military history or terminolgy. Its a screening process.

NROTC is a screening process in itself.

The general consensus here is that youre prospective of the way things work is exceptionally narrow right now, and that you don't really have a clue what you are talking about. Finish school get commissioned and get some exposure before you start handing out career advice. Until then, stick to what you know... and lay off the koolaid.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
and lay off the koolaid.




New Member
All the hijacking in flamethrowing aside, what I have gotten from this thread is that it is indeed possible to secure a aviation contract via Marine option NROTC?

Thats great. I realize a majority of Marine officers on this forum are PLC, but Any ROTC grads know how this is done?


New Member
^Yes. You tell your MOI and the paperwork is initiated. Pass the ASTB and a flight physical, sign the training agreement and it's done. The specifics change from time to time, for example for a while students couldn't apply for an aviation guarantee until their junior or senior years. Then all of a sudden anybody in the program could apply, even freshmen.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Wow. A new internet record. A flame war where everyone is at least 50%wrong, and are all being a$$holes.

2nd Crowbar's last post. I did the NROTC aviation guarantee myself. The main difference is that, at least when I did it back in the day, you don't get the guarantee until after you're already enrolled in NROTC. In my case I was already a junior.


New Member
Wow. A new internet record. A flame war where everyone is at least 50%wrong, and are all being a$$holes.

2nd Crowbar's last post. I did the NROTC aviation guarantee myself. The main difference is that, at least when I did it back in the day, you don't get the guarantee until after you're already enrolled in NROTC. In my case I was already a junior.

So there is a flight guarantee for Navy and Marine option?

Do all who qualify (ASTB, physical etc.) and want it, get it?