are you kidding me... someone please chime in with the villian quote something like "Those who get jets arnt the ones busy getting laid"
Damn now Ive gone and screwed the quote...
"...typically, the guys with the highest grades in flight school go jets, while those who perhaps spent a bit to much time having sex with their girlfriends when they should have been studying end up going helos. (says the now-wife of a helo bubba. )"
As for the OP, I think it depends on a lot of things. Do you already live together? What reason does she give for feeling the need to rush? Maybe she has one, but if you live in together or in the same city, then the only other possible reasons that come to mind are money and base privileges. I lived with Husband during the last couple of months of advanced and never had a need to get on base and I don't think the money is a significant amount.
If she has some other reason, maybe it is legit, but if it just about the "squeeeee!" of wedding planning and the emotional excitement of being husband and wife, then definitely wait. If she isn't a girl who is good at waiting, then she is going to have a heck of a time as a Navy wife. You have your whole life to be married; remind her that you are going to be together forever anyway, so waiting another couple years is essentially meaningless. Only don't use the word "meaningless" because it might get you in trouble.
I think the best time to get married would be in the FRS. You are still studying a ton but at least some small bit of the pressure is off. Unlike at a fleet squadron, you aren't deploying so there is no chance of spending a year planning a big to-do that you find out 4 weeks out you won't be in the country for. You may not get leave for a honeymoon, though that is true at any squadron, but you won't be deployed for your wedding.
In trying to talk her in to this, you can use the fact that after flight school, you will have more time to be involved in all things wedding, and your first days as husband and wife will be a little more fun. Only don't use the word "fun". Say "romantic"-- we eat that shit up.
Waiting for a test deployment sounds like a good idea, but that probably tacks another 2 years or more onto your timeline (FRS, time until and through your deployment). I doubt you will ever be able to sell her on that, especially because by then she will have potentially hauled her ass across the country for you, maybe several times.