I'm a bit frustrated by how the Marine Corps treats external PME. As far as I can tell, my next opportunity to get a resident Master's at a civilian institution is either a fellowship at the ILS level...or to get out at the end of my EOS, get my degree, and then come back in.
I think the "resident school=career ender" is a dumb attitude. Some of the principal individuals who've been on the ball with regard to irregular nature of OIF - David Petraeus and David McMaster, hold Ph.D.'s from Princeton and UNC, respectively. John Nagl, who helped author FM 3-24, is a Rhodes Scholar. Gen. Petraeus has been a
staunch advocate of civilian graduate education for officers. Rigorous resident programs in relevant fields do make better warfighters, and it's a shame if the Navy and Marine Corps don't see it that way.
Phrogdriver, what are these other rabbit holes? I'm aware of the Olin scholarship, and of the SEP programs in education and history as well as a few limited fields at NPS and AFIT. I imagine you'd be locked into something relevant to what you studied but I haven't seen anything in the MARADMIN's to indicate what implications it has on your following assignments.
Has anyone had any experience with Norwich University or AMU's online programs?