Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. Wow, that took, what, 18 posts to get there? Short answer, Navy doesn't care about your high school stuff for it's commissioning reqs. It only cares about what the college says you have. If the college doesn't give you credit for the req, you have to take it.
Listen to GatorDev boys and girls!
Step 1: Going into this deal YOU really need to know what Calculus and Calculus-based Physics courses that YOUR NROTC unit has had blessed by NROTC HQ that is being taught at YOUR unit's college. The ROTC unit has already gotten that University's courses blessed by NROTC HQ.
Step 2a: Have the thrid party (high school, CLEP, AP boards, college) send to the University you are attending your scores/transcripts. They will convert it to their courses.
Step 2b: If you want to take the courses at a different University/community college then get the courses blessed in advance by the University, and of course keep your Unit informed. Many University's have already done this in advance
If the University accepts the courses then that is the end of the discussion because they will be noted on your transcript that the Unit has to use.
There are a few howevers:
- The requirements for your major may require at least one more math/physics course above what you had transferred. NOT THE UNIT!
- It really does not make sense for a Unit to require a Mid to take more courses. The additional 18 hours, of which typically only a few count towards general degree requirements, is demanding enough (time and money). Creating "New requirements" are most likely not supported by NROTC HQ. Money is tight everywhere.
- Every year, NROTC HQ publishes a list of Calculus and Calc-based Physics courses that fulfill the requirements at YOUR university AND every year there is a well meaning academics officer (LT) at each unit who makes the mistake that
"unless you take the course at that university, then you have to take it." IT'S WRONG! When they call NROTC HQ they learn what I told you in the aforementioned steps.
Don't let the system box your ears. Ask lots of questions.
Now as to WHY it's required for Scholarship. My theory is that it is a hold over from the Rickover Nuclear days (everything was going to be Nuke). Now we are left with subs and CVNs. If you go subs, then those classes are important for the application. If you don't go subs, it won't come up again unless you are going before selection boards for CVN XO and CO 'cause you're going to go to NucPower school.
Grades count to. There are three numbers in your APC score: Your overall GPA, your average for the two Calc courses and lastly your average for the two physics course.
Spent sometime as a NROTC instructor. Hope this helps.:icon_wink