What the fuck is that?!
For API, it helps to have at least had algebra and trigonometry in high school.
L = 1/2 * p * V * s^2 * CL
if V goes up, L goes up
if s goes down, L goes down
Really? How do you figure? I never once had to use trig in API. Just because you may encounter an algebraic expression in weather doesnt' mean you need to know any real algebra. There won't be any factoring of polynomials or invoking of the quadratic equasion.
Coefficient of Lift...Aero 1 stuff, but how in the world someone in Primary remembers that is beyond me. I'm in week 5 of API and some of that stuff is already a blur.
That's true, you don't factor polynomials or use the quadratic equation. Note that I said, "it's not like you'll be working out problems, just understanding what they mean". The point is, if you encounter an algebraic expression and never had algebra (or at least learned the basics of how algebraic expressions work even if you didn't take a course), you may be pretty confused. Not that one couldn't ask for help from an instructor or other students, it's just that it's one less thing to worry about. Same thing with trig. We didn't do trigonometric problems, but at least I knew why "cos" or "sin" were appearing on some of the diagrams. May seem like a miniscule issue, but when you're ingesting a lot of information, you don't want to be distracted by such things.
A special skill that you will need is the ability to write well. The other day I was told I had too many passive sentences (I had to look those up.) when I was writing a NAM for one of my sailors. Don't forget about the ground jobs that come with the flying.
Become familiar with the TLAR method. That is really all you need.