Geez. You 1310's keep math things so simple.
Depending how Mom and Dad run the ship, the Radian Rule can be a real PITA at times. I've been on a real world Cain Mutiny ship (USS Lang reserves circa 1987) as well as happy ships. Every SWO's experience is different. The SWO Destiny is such a mathematical crap shoot and it really shouldn't be. Then again, the mathematical calculations submitted in certain 8 O'Clock reports are sometimes pretty entertaining. I miss the entertainment value of the Navy (occasionally) and fondly remember our mentally affected XO. It was hard to keep a straight face while the XO was screaming at you about minuscule BS while he simultaneously had his index finger about an inch up his nose. OK -I don't really miss that part of the Navy.
Just do your fuels and don't run out of gas.
Have another drink dude....