Just wanted to send you all some encouragement.
For those who got PRO-REC'd, Congratulations! It is definitely a hell of an accomplishment but now it will get harder. Final Selects ARE NOT guaranteed. Don't get fat and lazy now. PT your ass off, still drink some beer, but PT and stay the hell out of trouble.
For those that didnt get selected or got rolled to another month, I know it sucks (i myself was rolled from June to July then July to August 2009). Keep your faith and your head up and push even harder. Get more LORs, retake the ASTB if you have to, study your butt off, and blow it out of the water. Get some flight time, do interviews, get more involved in your community! There are TONS of ways to beef up your package. DO NOT GIVE UP.
If you can't handle this rejection, how are you gonna handle it at OCS with a Drill Instructor screaming in your face every single waking moment of the day, even if you're right about something? Or how are you going to handle it when you have a flight that doesn't go so well or not as you had hoped.....you don't fail it, but not as well. Are you gonna mope and feel bad about yourself or are you gonna push even harder?
If you wanna hear my sob story of how I got to the point I'm at now, PM me.....I know hardship....
This is where you find out how badly you really want it...and then, at OCS, you'll find out again, HOW MUCH you want it. Keep the faith guys. Feel free to hit me up with questions about OCS at any point. I won't tell you everything, but I'll try to help out. Just trying to give back to those who helped me when I was applying a year ago.
I graduated OCS 16 APR 10 from Class 13-10, so my experiences by the time you all go through will be vastly different from yours, but I can still give some advice.
Good luck to those applying again and if this is what you truly want, then don't take NO for an answer. Those who made it, your work has just begun.