Color me "me too". Anyone have a pic of what's being discussed? Avail commercially? Vendor? Gucci for Russian Boar hunting in Central CA?
Here's a link to a bunch of items from the whole kit:,d.b2I&cad=rjt
The fleece jacket is the green thing on the first page. The vest is lying on top of it. I've never used the vest (I have the whole kit but like my arms warm), but overall, the package is a nice piece of gear. There was a secondary issue from another manufacture (which I can't remember but hope someone can post) that has a fleece pull-over. I've seen one or two guys wearing it and it looks pretty nice and a little more durable. I haven't dug around on ADS to see if it's available from them, but I doubt I could extract the funding at my current place to make it possible, anyway.