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Medals Database being Considered by Pentagon


former Marine F/A-18 pilot & FAC, current MBA stud
Awesome. Another "one-stop shop" database that someone else is going to administer, but it will somehow still be my responsibility to keep it accurate and up to date at all times by dealing with a nameless, faceless automated system.

I'm sure the medals database will be user-friendly and seamless in execution...just like all of our other "paperless" initiatives. :rolleyes:

Don't forget the 16 character password with 4 caps, 4 lowers, 4 special characters and 4 numbers that changes every month. And if you forget it it will be snail mailed to the address that they still have on file for you 3 PCS's ago because, hell... in the hustle and bustle of a PCS you forgot to change your mailing address on file for the National DOD Awards Database.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Why is the old geezer in the pic worth spending a single dollar of taxpayer money on so that we can "out" him as a fraud? How about we apply the Conservative creed and privatize the task?


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
I am not in favor of a database. But the problem nevertheless still exists.

It should be noted that this individual woman and her late husband have spent a large amount of their time and money over many years protecting the valor of those that earned it, by relentlessly exposing phonies in addition to their POW efforts.

I applaud that. And I have donated to their efforts to defray their expenses for years.

Something to consider: http://www.pownetwork.org/nethist.htm


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Why is the old geezer in the pic worth spending a single dollar of taxpayer money on so that we can "out" him as a fraud? How about we apply the Conservative creed and privatize the task?
Not talking about taxes!

Apparently Brett has never seen the blood splattered and missing limbs of one who was posthumously awarded a medal of valor, only to see some hippie wannabee years later in a patriotic parade wearing the same medal.

Taxpayers have nothing to do with it. The guys that wore or wear the uniform do. That is why all should support the few private organizations with donations to preserve honor.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Yeah, and you didn't bear witness to the carnage of WWII - who cares? Please review the thread title for the taxpayer nexus. I agree, support private organizations, but a DOD funded database is against conservative principles.


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Yeah, and you didn't bear witness to the carnage of WWII - who cares? Please review the thread title for the taxpayer nexus. I agree, support private organizations, but a DOD funded database is against conservative principles.
I have no idea what WWII has to do with any of this...(although many do care, FWIW)

But if you have such a problem with this line of thinking not being relevant, hey, you are a moderater.... so split the thread topic... I have no problem with that....or just stay on point without throwing bullshit into the mix.


Well-Known Member
It kind of is with NSIPS.

I will say for those that have been around for a while before service records went electronic to make sure everything is up to date, the people that they had scanning in records were not the top sailor you might think, in many cases it was "you will work 8 hour days until done" now that is motivation, so what happened is not all pages were scanned, so while my hard copy that I kept had all, the electronic did not, easy enough to fix, but jump on it now if you haven't.



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I have no idea what WWII has to do with any of this...(although many do care, FWIW)

But if you have such a problem with this line of thinking not being relevant, hey, you are a moderater.... so split the thread topic... I have no problem with that....or just stay on point without throwing bullshit into the mix.
I dont think you're understanding my point. The thread was about DOD creating a public database, I.E., using taxpayer dollars to address this issue. I'm suggesting that a private sector solution would be more in keeping with fiscally conservative values.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Which is only as good as the Admin Dept that updates it....

I completely disagree. It's far worse.

I just looked at NDAWS this week to see if my NAM from 2004 ever made it in there. It's been submitted countless times. No really, I know it was actually submitted this time. Still not there. Everything in my OMPF is correct (well, mostly). Then I go to NSIPs, and it doesn't even half the stuff that's in NDAWS (where it gets its info from, according to NDAWS).

I said it earlier in this thread, but the "system" is broken. Probably because there is more than one system. Why have one well-operating system when you can have three half-assed ones, right?


Internet killed the television star
I guess I've been out of the loop but while perusing some of this poser info on the internet, I ran across the airsoft crowd. Holy crap, these dudes are the definition of poser and wannabe.

This was the best one I found so far.

Deciding to make a database is relatively simple and cheap. I'm sure there wasn't much time "wasted" on this issue since it is generally a nonpartisan one. We have had people trying to gain elected office with false claims of military valor, and have had people try to get benefits meant for veterans. Not to mention the fakes that show up at the local VFW; trying to get respect that they haven't earned. It clearly means something to a lot of people, and if we can have a publicly accessible website for high level awards I'm all for it. I don't think many people care about who has the GWOT service medal.


Enjoying the real world
Deciding to make a database is relatively simple and cheap. I'm sure there wasn't much time "wasted" on this issue since it is generally a nonpartisan one. We have had people trying to gain elected office with false claims of military valor, and have had people try to get benefits meant for veterans. Not to mention the fakes that show up at the local VFW; trying to get respect that they haven't earned. It clearly means something to a lot of people, and if we can have a publicly accessible website for high level awards I'm all for it. I don't think many people care about who has the GWOT service medal.

You are right that deciding to build it is cheap. We may even have kept those costs to the low 6 figures. Actually implementing it IAW with all applicable regulations (let alone integrating it with any other previously created software architectures) will be stupidly expensive and work poorly to boot. It would not even be remotely worth it.