Hey all. Appreciate all the work you guys put in by answering these questions.
I've had pretty well documented asthma from as far back as I remember. Lot's of prescriptions for it. I searched on this board and saw all the posts saying to get a PFT and MCT. Well, I did that and it's negative for asthma. I even got the pulmonologist to write up a letter stating that he sees no reason, in his professional opinion, that I couldn't be a SNA.
Recruiter told me to get ahold of my original diagnosis. I'm doing some legwork trying to find it, but I'm willing to bet that no such records exist. I would've been diagnosed before I was 5. Even for my prescriptions, I can only go back 7 years. Recruiter told me that if I can't find it, get a letter from the doc's office stating they don't have it, and why.
Here's the big question:
If I can't find my original diagnosis, and the PFT and MCT say I don't have it, would I even need to go through any of the medical procedures at all? (I suspect this is a question for my recruiter, but I wanted to see if there were any thoughts here.)
My line of thinking is, if I can't find the diagnosis, and the test says I don't have asthma....I don't have asthma. I'm pretty much worried that my prescription history will sink me.