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MEPS and eyes


meps sucks at eyes. They told me I had 20/200 corrected to only 20/30 which i know was way off. Luckily I was persistant and raised a stink, so they sent me to a civi doctor down the street where I had a quick exam done (not at my expense) and it gave my vision as 20/70 corrected to 20/20 which is what it should be.


Registered User
It does happen.

For what it's worth, I had the MEPS eye exam, I believe all went according to Navy aviation requirements, and failed (DP). So, not to be deterred, I went to the family optometrist (as in the one my parents go to, I've never had any issues with vision), passed his depth test, and sent the results with my final selection package. They approved it, and I went through NAMI without issue. The only other person there who took their depth perception test at MEPS that I knew of also failed it (she was going Air Force, enlisted, and she said it dropped her out of their aircrew positions, IIRC). Long story short, don't sweat it; there are plenty of people who pass the MEPS test only to get the NAMI whammy (probably in many cases because it's improperly administered), and plenty who are the other way around, like me. I found a webpage back when I was working on my application that has all the requirements, don't remember where, but you could probably find it with a Google search. Just make sure you're getting the right things if you're required to get it done independently.
By the way, there were three people, two pilot, one NFO, between the two classes I was in that got the NAMI whammy. One was back issues, one had something to do with a psych evaluation in the guy's record, and the NFO was because of a concussion in his record. So none of them were vision related, and I don't remember anyone losing their aviation slot because of vision issues while I was in OCS. Not that it doesn't happen, it does, but it's not necessarily the most common reason, and yes, MEPS probably carried some culpability with the cases I mentioned. As for the vision tests, just remember, if the ring doesn't jump out at you, shift your gaze a little, try to move your focus around, don't stare, and DON'T PANIC.

When I went through MEPS, I got screwed with the eye exam. Once I got to OCS and went through NAMI, I found out the bad news. Yes, it does happen. My eyes weren't within the limitations. :| Never had a problem in my life though - never had to wear glasses and still don't.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
According to MEPS i have no depth perception (a view echoed by my wife). The recruiter had me go to the Walmart eye place and they did the test right and I submitted those results with my package. Go to a civvie for your eyes.

I got the NAMI Whammy, but was allowed to go back for a retest the next day. I squeaked by the retest. The excuse for the retest was that I was stressed out from all that had been happening and I'd not had much sleep.


New Member
I was told the MEPS eye test if for basic vision assement. As for getting a secondary done by a civilian eye center, that is done for pilots. Reason being because they need a more through test then just MEPS for pilots. Words from my OSO. I went and the OSO paid for it. I don't know why you guys are having to pay for it.


New Member
About getting DQ for the anthropometric measurements I hae a question. I am a tall guy 6' 5". My recruiter took my measurements and everything was good except the measurement from my butt to my toes with legs extended sitting down. The max is 50" and I was right on the money but I had shoes on. At NAMI do they measure with shoes? and do they measure from the wall or from your waist?

rugby mike

New Member
Final Select after MEPS

I just finished my MEPS physical and was cleared to go to OCS. Does anyone know how long it usually takes before final select goes through?


Active Member
I just finished my MEPS physical and was cleared to go to OCS. Does anyone know how long it usually takes before final select goes through?

2 days to 3 months there is no standard. your NRD may not send it off ASAP and then CNRC may not send it thru in a timely manner. I have a guy that I have been waiting to get cleared since 25 July. I have had 5 folks clear in the last 2 weeks that were pro rec'd last month. so you really never know but 1 month is to be expected if you are graduate and not a student.


Well-Known Member
The bottom line is, to be safe, if you want to do more beforehand, then do more, but it isn't required. MEPS should handle everything you need for your application. You WILL get a flight physical (I'm not sure how they're doing it now with RI, but it will get done). MEPS is a joke in terms of the depth of their exam, so if you are shaky on any portion of the requirements, then get checked out. Otherwise, relax and go to MEPS.


Bumping-up an old thread here and looking for some sage advice. I received my PRO-REC in late July for SNA and SWO, I did MEPS about 3-4 weeks ago where I was told my visual acuity was 20/20 in my right eye, and 20/50 in my left eye. I also failed the depth perception test at MEPS. I went to a civilian optometrist and tested 20/40 in my left eye which hopefully I can get a waiver for but still did poorly on the DP (200 sec. of arc, needs to be 40). The dominance of my right eye has created a disconnect between my left-eye and the perception of depth in my brain and I need to train myself how to recognize depth again. This was of course all news to me as I don’t seem to be walking into walls or crashing my car every other day. I am left with two options; I can get a “vision trainer” and try to correct the DP issue (and possibly some of my left eye acuity) in a matter of weeks to possibly months, all out of a cost out of my own pocket. Or, I can still go in as SWO (I am within the less-stringent requirements for SWO) and try to have the problem corrected later and reapply for SNA all while on active-duty. Actually, I’m not even sure if the second option is possible, is it? I'm golden on everything else, PRT, hearing, etc. Obviously I want to go SNA over SWO but at some point as these hurdles keep getting higher I have to think God might not want me to fly. Basically, what do you all recommend I do?


I have already looked into PRK, which was highly ill-advised by my recruiter due to the time constraint of the stabilization process. Regardless, according to my optometrist, the DP issue can only be fixed by training myself to recognize depth, I would start the training wearing glasses to correct myself to 20/20, learn how to pass the DP test, the try to wean myself off the glasses to pass the test au naturale. I have yet to speak to the "vision trainer" about cost/time but according to the optomestrist "it could take months". Frankly, I want it badly enough that I am willing to do whatever surgery or training necessary at almost any cost (within reason, 25 training sessions and $250 a pop is within reason). The real issue is time and getting my packet lined-up and submitted without having to reapply as I think I'm a little old (25) and SNA was probably a one-time shot.


New Member
I know that meps will test you for everything you need, but if you have already gotten a full exam from a civ eye doctor can you just bring in that paperwork and not worry about eyes at meps or will they test you anyways?


My civilian optometrist informed me that I do in fact have a depth perception problem. My DP is about 200 seconds of arc and to pass for SNA that needs to be around 40 seconds. I was later by him told I can basically train my brain to pass the DP test and get to 40 seconds of arc but it would take some time (4-6 weeks minimum) to complete the training. My recruiter is getting on me about submitting my package to final select as about 3 months have passed since I received my PROREC. I read somewhere else on here that I can extend the period of time from my PROREC to final submission from 90 days to about 180 days. Is this true? Does anyone have any suggestions to help me extend this period of time about another 6 weeks? I was PROREC’d for SNA and SWO and right now I barely make the minimum DP requirement for SWO. I’d prefer to submit my package knowing I should be good for SNA, not just SWO.