Just wanted to give everyone an update. I flew back on friday from Kuwait and safely spent the weekend in DC enjoying some time with my friends. Ill be flying down to gulfport to demobilize. Ill have an updated post deployment at some time soon.
Updated post deployment.
Things I enjoyed.
*Working in a palace.
*Working with people from multiple agencies (state dept, customs, alphabet soup agencies) and countries(brits, aussies, romanians, translators).
*R&R where you can go anywhere in the world. I went down under.
*Playing Guitar Hero/Rock Band for entertainment with a couple of senior colonels and other senior officers.
*Awards I picked up a fair array for this deployment although I wasnt gunning for them just wanting to go and do my part.
*3 hots, a cot, internet in the chu and a golden throne to sit on.
*Tax Free dough.
*Having your buddy LT.
*Smoking Cuban Cigars
*Open Carry.
Things I hated.
*Working in a palace.
*Being the most junior officer in a Headquarters staff (aka coffee bitch and tech support)
*Army work mentality
You need to be at your desk for X hours a day or your a slacker rather than work until your job is done until going home
Leadership not giving people days off since they are making more work for themselves and their people yet bitching after being told by the general to try to get everyone out of the office on weekends.
*Professional development. I hadnt had a Navy CAPT looking out for me professional I feel that I would have wasted a year of my life and not learned anything related to my designator (Note: This could be true for all IA's yet with intel people were supposed to be doing intel work not being pushed into a random IA billet.
*Dealing with the Generals personal staff who obsess over every little thing as if the war was going to end because he hadnt got a question on time.
*Navcent drinking the army coolaid and not taking care of their sailors.
*Groundhog day
*G.O. #1
Coolest things I got to see/do.
*R. Lee Ermey signing autographs for 3 hours for ever single person who came to see him
*Colbert coming to Baghdad
*Seeing Vince McMann bringing the WWE to baghdad
*Victory over America Palace
Things I missed about home
*My Road Bike
Best thing from Iraq.
KDD Silver Ice Cream!