Hardware units are a different game. Everyone and their brother wants a flying gig, so those folks have the pick of the litter. They generally also are self-contained, so they don't have to deal with the same NOSC games the rest of us do. As we submit identical paperwork for the third time after it got lost, and try to route orders through government civilians who fill in what they don't know about the regs with crap they just made up in their heads.
I'm seriously considering writing a point paper or Proceedings article about how the Navy needs to take "distributed mobilization" another level down, divest itself of NOSCs, disperse the FTS population amongst the gaining commands, and force responsibility for reserve readiness on AC COs. They're the ultimate customers anyway, so they arguably shouldn't have an admin layer allowing them to be reserve-illiterate.
There are also (as it looks from my end anyway) a shit-ton more flying 1315 jobs than 1325 ones, so choose your rate, choose your fate.