What about "Sarge?"
Wrong service...you can do that crap with the Army but I wouldn't try that with a Marine Gunny...
What about "Sarge?"
It's a good idea to have your armorer candidate check every rifle each night to make sure it's on safe, if he doesn't know to already. Ours saved us a couple of times.
Is it "Aye,Aye Sir" in both OCSs?
remember how you had to account for the rifles that belonged to Candidates at sickcall/light duty? I'll never forget being down at the PT field and having one of our instructors roll down with a rifle slung over his shoulder that we had forgotten up in the squad bay. Man we got ****ed up for that. Seems to me like it happened to us more than once, too.
Wrong service...you can do that crap with the Army but I wouldn't try that with a Marine Gunny...
spandex bicycle shorts are awesome for humps and boots and utes PT events. Highly reccomend them.
Our platoon was allowed to wear the OD green Under Armor cold gear. Only a few spent the money on them though. Probably only necessary for the winter class.
Winter I wouldnt be as suprised with. Honestly Im almost dumbfounded at the idea when people tell me that they cant wear stuff like gortex or underarmor at TBS when its cold. Yes evaluating a person when they are out of their comfort zone is a good thing but at the same time if they can get the equipment why not let them use it.