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Most F-117s to be Mothballed


Well-Known Member
Saw this one on the Early Bird this morning. I wonder why this is happening...too expensive to operate, perhaps? Maybe freeing up some money for other projects (like more scarves or "the best API gear";) )?

I just thought it was interesting, especially since I'm immersed in the Navy/Marine Corps world of continually duct-taping airframes and flying them until they fall from the sky.

Wall Street Journal (wsj.com)
February 17, 2006

Most Of US's Early Stealth Jets May End Up On Scrap Heap

LAS VEGAS (AP)--Most of the U.S. Air Force's first-generation stealth fighter jets are likely to end up on the scrap heap in the next two years, military officials said.

President George W. Bush last week proposed retiring 10 of the sleek, triangular fighters next year and others in 2008.

Most of the nation's 52 F-117 Nighthawks would go to "the boneyard" at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base near Tucson, Ariz., said Capt. Michelle Lai, an Air Force spokeswoman at the Pentagon, adding that at least one is likely to go to a museum.

Others could be sold to U.S. allies, Lai told the Las Vegas Review-Journal for a report this week.

Fifty Nighthawks are based at Holloman Air Force Base in Alamogordo, N.M., officials said. Two others are assigned to test squadrons, including one at Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas.

The F-117 Nighthawk revolutionized air warfare with their radar-evading technology after they were unveiled in 1988 at a cost of about $45 million each.


Ask me about ninjas!
I'm guessing too expensive and too difficult personnel-wise. I'd heard rumors a few years ago that they kept having to rotate people in and out of the squadrons, thanks to that high-tech (read: viciously toxic) stealth coating, but that could have just been an airman BS'ing me in the E-club. Good thing that I hit him, just for good measure. Also, you didn't hear it from me, but I hear those damn aliens keep breaking out of their cells and 'experimenting' on the base personnel. (So THAT explains all the scarf wearing...)


Well-Known Member
The term "fighter" is a joke. The AF really put over on Congress when they got funding for two planes that do the same job. My guess is they got mothballed because they never did any "fighting" and the B-2 does everything they need without having to be forward deployed.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
RockyMtnNFO said:
The term "fighter" is a joke. The AF really put over on Congress when they got funding for two planes that do the same job. My guess is they got mothballed because they never did any "fighting" and the B-2 does everything they need without having to be forward deployed.

I don't know if I totally buy that argument. The -117 had been flying in the '80s while the B-2 wasn't even a prototype until the '90s. Seems like they came out of two different FY/bugetary pots of money (as in different decades). As for the "fighting" of the F-117, I hear you.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
yeah because a bird that can only do air to ground in heavily defended areas is worthless. we better get something that can chase all those Migs we are going against and soon.........................oh wait


Well-Known Member
I never said they were worthless, the AF did, they mothballed the things. I was also clear that they did the same thing as the B-2. Or did you not catch that subtle point in my wordy post.. oh, wait.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
skidkid said:
yeah because a bird that can only do air to ground in heavily defended areas is worthless. we better get something that can chase all those Migs we are going against and soon.........................oh wait

Whoops, didn't mean that. I meant the "class" of the aircraft. Why it's an "F" is beyond me, other than trying to get more money.


Well-Known Member
gatordev said:
Whoops, didn't mean that. I meant the "class" of the aircraft. Why it's an "F" is beyond me, other than trying to get more money.

I remember there was some high brass insistance that it be given an F instead of an A designation. The reason being that they were going to have to convince a bunch from the fighter community to come over to the Aircraft (most personel were apparently 16 and 15 drivers in their previous lives). I guess that F makes a bigger deal to them then the fact they are at least flying something that doesnt sit in an office and is made out of wood.

But then again, this was on a history channel program so who knows how much validity it really has.

I do know though since my best friend is at Hollowman that the 117 and the German Tornados are about the sole reason for the existance of that base. It will be interesting to see what Mission they have to produce to keep the New Mexico senetors happy.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
same reasont he F-111, the F-105 etc were given F they had pointy-ish noses. Yeah they are expensive but built for a time when the B-2 were more strategic (read nuclear) and the 117 were mroe tactical.

I am not against mothballing them but think they were a great airplane and did what they were intended to do.

good debate,


Everyone leave, I have to poop. NOW!!!
Might as well stick up for the AF, you guys keep bashing my service. Anyway, take into account the bomb load for the -117. 2 extremely small bomb bays, really only big enough to hold 1 1000 lber a piece. Not very cost effective, plus with continuous upgrades to cruise missiles and standoff missiles, why not get rid of it? Don't get me wrong, ever time the AF decides to cut an aircraft, that's one less that I'll get the chance to fly. :icon_rage But with all of the budget cuts, it makes sense.


Sky Pig Wrangler
VetteMuscle427 said:
Something popped into my head while reading this.......

And the B-52 soldiers on.....

A B-52 will carry the crew that retires the B-2 back from the boneyard.


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about the aircraft other than what was shown on that History Channel program (which means one of two things: 1. "They" are doing a good job keeping its specs secret, or 2. I just don't care enough about the aircraft to do any serious research on it).

Anyway - and again, this is the Marine "do more with less" mentality again - I'm just surprised that "they" can't/aren't finding other ways to use the aircraft, even in light of its small payload. EW? Surveillance? Just throwing it out there.

What about the the idea of selling some of them?


Back at last
Maybe the ****-ton of money they spent/are spending on the F-22 has something to do with it. I knw its stealth capabilities are not on par with the -117, but it seems like a pretty capable aircraft nonetheless (understatement). It seems like the AF has been under recent pressue to rationalize their budget. The current threat (future MIG engagements aside) just doesn't seem to support the existance of an aircraft filling such a limited mission. Then again, I've been indoctrinated with the Marine Corps mentality of duct tape and putting the square peg in the round hole. I think the idea of selling some of them was mentioned in the article- they could probably pay for a few F-22s with the proceeds... not to mention scarves.


Well-Known Member
Punk said:
A B-52 will carry the crew that retires the B-2 back from the boneyard.
Funny you should mention that. We always say that the last Osprey crew will be picked up at the boneyard by a Phrog...