+1 to that. I wrote my statement and let it sit for a week. Then, I looked at it again, and made some changes. Right before turning it in, I spent a night going through it for grammar issues. I managed to get picked up, so I guess I can't be a complete idiot. The thought of posting it on here never crossed my mind. To borrow from the Army WOFT Application:
Not many college students can deliver a professionally acceptable statement on the first try. I know I couldn't.
No one is forcing you to read these posts.
I am going to suggest a new forum for this type of stuff though, for future use.
Questions about becoming a Navy Officer
Do you have a question about becoming an Officer in the U.S. Navy? Well, post it here, and the rest of us will do our best in sharing our own experiences.
Another reason is to help those who have great ideas but not so good writing skills express the concepts they want to convey. I know several scientists and engineers that have a hard time writing in a structurally sound way, but can calculate derivatives in their head.
*Edit: wrong topic *