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MREs for me

mad dog

HELNONMONKSPANKRON assistant to the assistant PAO
My God man, why? Get that woman in the mirror behind you taking the picture in the kitchen:D.
The reason why is because I've never experienced an MRE. I almost experienced an MRE during SERE back in 1988...but that MRE was found opened in the dirt covered with ants...I almost ate it but chickened out. So...since 1988 I've always wondered about MREs...and thanks to @ChuckMK23, I have now experienced an MRE. :D


Standing by for the RIF !
I'm a huge fan of MRE's - and generally keep 4-5 cases in stock at the house. @mad dog 's meal was a 2014 produced Menu 8. The last year of the powdered dairy milk shake :)

at 1200 calories, they are very efficient, ridiculously shelf stable for 5+ years, and convenient - if not bland. Canadian IMP's put MRE's to shame - and the various NATO country 24 hour ration packs are a delight - to see what's possible. (Pork liver patte in the French 24 hour pack).

The mac-daddy deluxe of US rations are the 24 hour "First Strike" ration packs - a full 4,000 calories for three meals of food you can eat on the run. These are hard - but not impossible to find.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Hey at least they got rid of the "Four Fingers of Death" from the 80s. The MRE menu has improved from the days of "Meals Rejected by the Enemy."

I like the Chili-Mac, Spicy Penne pasta, Cheese tortellini and Ravioli MREs. I've never had the chance to try the First Strike Rations (FSR).


Standing by for the RIF !
Best I have had so far - Menu 7
Brisket Entrée
Au Gratin Potatoes
Cookies, Trans Fat Free
Peanut Butter
Snack Bread, Trans Fat Free
Plain M&M's
Irish Cream Cappuccino Drink Mix


Registered User
No I am just a middle aged bachelor :)

I mean...some do actually taste OK...but I can't imagine anything that could appear less appetizing that doesn't involve too many legs or the food still being alive in some way.

I guess it could be OK if you're on a diet.


Standing by for the RIF !
It's all about convenience - whether it's at the range, mountain biking, an afternoon hike, etc. If you are an avid outdoor sports person, MRE's are the perfect on the go food - you don't have to think too hard about it :)