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MREs for me


Well-Known Member
Only because Watsons closed.
Your right about Watson's. When Billy sold his last carryout about 15 years ago he also sold the recipes for his chicken and all of the great side dishes, bit it ain't the same. The new place now even has "Snow White's" and "White Star's" (sort of).

Edit: For those who don't know: "Snow White's"= fantastic mini burgers, "White Star's"= great hot dogs. Both also old time family owned places, now closed.
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Well-Known Member
Site Admin
It's all about convenience - whether it's at the range, mountain biking, an afternoon hike, etc. If you are an avid outdoor sports person, MRE's are the perfect on the go food - you don't have to think too hard about it :)

As long as you have some water to follow it down. Otherwise you end up as someone I cruised with who was out of commission after a couple of days of MRE consumption.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
As someone with somewhat refined culinary sensibilities, I find this discussion completely abhorrent. It also confirms my long-standing suspicion that Chuck is an insane person escaped from a mental institution... posing as a Naval Aviator. :D


Well-Known Member
I hope you had the presence of mind to stuff the Jalapeno Cheese in the heater w/ the meatballs, then put the hot cheese and ripped up pieces of tortilla in w/ the meatballs before eating. It's actually pretty damn tasty that way.

mad dog

HELNONMONKSPANKRON assistant to the assistant PAO
I hope you had the presence of mind to stuff the Jalapeño Cheese in the heater w/ the meatballs, then put the hot cheese and ripped up pieces of tortilla in w/ the meatballs before eating. It's actually pretty damn tasty that way.
Say what? :eek:

There wasn't any Jalapeño Cheese in that MRE. I would have noticed the presence of Jalapeño Cheese since I'm from Wisconsin and am a humongous fan boy of cheese. @ChuckMK23...I demand a refund. :D


Well-Known Member
Oh man...here's what you need to do now: Get a package of iodized salt and start an elaborate trading scheme with everyone around you who also has MRE's until you get that jalapeno cheese you need!

Maybe something like: Iodized Salt > Red Pepper Packet > Blueberry Cobbler (yech) > Wheat Snack Bread (Twin Pack) > Peanut Butter > Crunchy Peanut Butter > Chocolate Peanut Butter > Jalapeno Cheese. Easy.

mad dog

HELNONMONKSPANKRON assistant to the assistant PAO
Been in the field(ish) eating MREs for two weeks now. I can make you a good deal on some cheese, vacuum packed crackers, and other rat f#$%ed MRE remnants! LOL

BTW...the pound cake is surprisingly good.
Affirm...the pound cake IS surprisingly good.

It would be cool if the government could work a deal and get Hooters wings on the MRE menu...Hooters wings rock!


mad dog

HELNONMONKSPANKRON assistant to the assistant PAO

@ChuckMK23 brought MREs to the LAX game...and the concession stand dudes/dudettes were pissed! :eek:

I think we almost got booted. ;)



mad dog

HELNONMONKSPANKRON assistant to the assistant PAO
Is that guy wearing a Navy PT uniform?
Are you talking about the dude in the yellow shirt? If so, I have no idea...BUT...it does look like he's wearing "bracelets" (hand cuffs) in the pic.