Sort of a funny thing happened to me while I was at MEPS. When I got my physical from the doctor (you know the part where you turn your head and caugh) he told me to gather my clothes and follow him. He lead me into a large room with about 25 other individuals. When I walked in I was the only sonofabitch stripped down to his underwear. Everyone in there was just staring at me like I was an idiot. I called them all queers and accused them all of staring at my ass and they all starting laughing. I asked one of the technicians if I could put on my clothes and he told me if I was cold then I could put my socks on. I was thinking, "thanks alot asshole." I sat there for what seemed like forever in my underwear while more people came in the room. Each person that walked in gave me a look like I was crazy. Finally, after about 10 minutes the duck walk fiasco insued. Im not exactly sure what happened but maybe I said something to piss off the doctor, or maybe he just had a sick sense of humor.