The M1 I have has the rear sight on the left. Is that the original sight design?
Yes, original design ... and original to your carbine unless you can detect 'stake' marks on the dovetail cut for the rear sight ... then it's been 'restored' ...

The M1 I have has the rear sight on the left. Is that the original sight design?
You are correct.
Yes, original design ... and original to your carbine unless you can detect 'stake' marks on the dovetail cut for the rear sight ... then it's been 'restored' ...
Looks 'all correct' from your pix .... rear sight, stock, upper handguard, front barrel band, mag release, etc .... any cartouches, i.e. arsenal markings or inspector stamps?? What's the manufacturer and serial # just behind the rear sight ... at least all except for the last 3 or 4 #'s ... ??? What month/year/manufacturer markings are on the barrel just behind the front sight??Oh I know mine is all original .....
Do what I did: Get really wasted and then wake up the next morning with a gunbroker page open on your computer saying 'You won the auction 'Springfield M1A w/ Black Syn Stock''
"I bought a rifle? Sweet."
I make the best life decisions when I'm shitfaced. Usually.
I make the best life decisions when I'm shitfaced. Usually.
Do what I did: Get really wasted and then wake up the next morning with a.......
I once bought a set of golf clubs under similar circumstances.
Nice gun wildcat, did you get that in Tucson? Second Amendment Sports?