This is a big deal for them. My house is only a few minutes from the SIG Experience (firing range, school, and store) and I’ve gone to demonstrations where they drop them, hit them with hammers from front, ack and top, and they won’t fire. The SIG headquarters isn’t too far away and they make several of their weapons nearby.
We went with them 8 years ago, and in the first year had 3 NDs, one of which is in litigation. This is after a few decades of Glock use where we had not had an ND.
SIG put our entire command staff through their school to prove to us how the weapon could only fire by pulling the trigger. Personally it was effective to me, and I don't believe the weapons as built now are defective. My theory is that the flat trigger and size of the trigger opening makes it easier to catch it on foreign objects during the holstering process.
All that being said, I don't trust it in the same way I did my Glock. And I must say that I've never been a Glock fan, but when it comes to reliability you can't beat them.
New Sheriff is going back to Glocks soon, so I'll be buying the Sig and putting it to pasture in the next few months.