Some recent, if not necessarily the latest, purchases from my armory. Well, I guess the Bulgarian qualifies as the latest. In no particular order:
-Arsenal Co. (the Bulgarian one, not the one in Vegas) SA-93, with it's horrid thumbhole stock that's going to be leaving us soon for some different furniture.
-Remington VTR in .308, also with furniture that will be leaving us, once it arrives via UPS. Still undecided on the glass, though.
-Sig 229 SAS in 9mm on top of my buddy-produced Kydex holster for it. A whole summer of competitions, practices and carry have broken the piston in nicely. (The holster's just a bit big for summer carry.)
-Mossberg 930 SPX, still smelling of powder after a range trip this morning.
-S&W Performance Center 625. The grips are absolute shit, but I have another set waiting in the garage. One of the nicer triggers I've ever shot, wheelgun or otherwise. It also doesn't like all kinds of moonclips, as the spacing to the rear of the cylinder only allows for narrower ones.