My buddy trying out my Daniel Defense 16" middy with POF lower and LMT sopmod stock. Rounded out with a Nightforce 2.5-10x32. (Best scope I've ever owned)
PTR-91 and GSG-5 (.22) I have since sold them both. I go through guns like most marines go through women.
I've heard those things shoot pretty damn well. Give us a range report when you shoot it Bunk
Just shot 160 rounds through it, used 100 rounds of WWB 230gr FMJ, 50 rounds of Magtech 230gr FMJ and 10 rounds of PDX1 230gr JHP. I had one round of WWB get stuck, got it out and the shell was defective, so other than the one round of bad ammo, it shot perfect. Will put another 150-200 rounds through it next weekend too. I shot in the pistol range side and I cut out a 2" hole at 25 yards so it's at least accurate to that range. I read 50 yards it's good too, then tapers off from there.
I've the trigger is a bit of a pain/heavy. True?
I've thought a UMP in .45 would be pretty sweet. Not because I need one, but just because they look like a fun way to shoot .45. Ironically, it's starting to become cheaper than shooting 5.56.
Never ever go to I ended up with the 1894 in 44 Mag I mentioned earlier. I have another 1894 in 357 Mag and a 336 in 30-30 on the way. This past Sunday at the fun show I ran into a guy selling a very sweet Marlin 39A .22 and ended up with it too. All are pre safety guns and in close to new condition. Lever guns are worse than black rifles it seems.....
Here's my "new" 39A
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I just bought this .357 GP100 TALO off of gunbroker. Saved $100 bucks over what I could get it for in a local shop. Can't wait to shoot it.
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