Palmetto State Armory has some decent prices on ammo when it's in stock. They a limited time deal on 5.56 for about .40$ a round for 500 rounds. Not what it should be, but better than most.
PSA was always my go to 5.56 supplier, but after shipping, in the last few weeks I've only seen $.50/round. It's good to hear it's coming down.
I use slickguns and gunbot for my ammo shopping and haven't seen any prices for 5.56 that I'm willing to pay. I have enough of it to last for a while but I'm having fun shooting the 15-22 that I bought for my wife and I just happen to take over. I don't like the prices I'm finding .22 at, but 7 cents a round after shipping isn't too bad. I still haven't seen ammo in wally world as that was my go to place for .22. Cali is npt the place to try and buy anything gun related IMO. I refuse to pay inflated prices on and parts so that's why I'm taking my time on this next build. But now that the wife is working I have more of my money I can keep for myself, so the build speed might go up. My lower will be here in October time frame, so I have a few months until I get the itch to finish it quickly.
Are lowers still scarce in CA?
I am starting to see more guns and parts on shelves, but like Gator said, ammo is still scarce. I paid $116 for my latest lower, but the quality is top notch so I didn't really mind. Plus it's supporting a local company so I'm ok with that.
That is a solid looking 1911. I have always had a thing for 1911's and regret selling my last one. Just had to get a better concealed carry pistol. On my small 160lb frame it stuck out like a sore thumb.
I went with a XD9 sub compact. No gripes though I wish I would have gone with a .40 or .45. Granted I am sure it will not have any issue stopping someone unless they are hopped up on some bath salts or something.I have a 7 or 8 handguns but I only carry my Gen 4 G19, perfect size for me. A full sized 1911 would be a bit much for concealment!