No, those are not little things.. This is why I need the board to know that I have changed from who I was when I committed that crime. I realize it has only been a year since the occurrence and that most individuals would say it would require longer than that in order for me to go through an actual reform of character. However, the change has already took place. It was a poor choice and momentary lapse of judgment. I could have been arrested and spent the night in jail.. And I thanked God that it didn't come to that. If my actions have permanently barred me from commissioning, then I will just have to live with that.. However I will not go down without a fight. I made the decision to enlist in the United States Navy because I am willing to prove that I have moved past these incidents and want to depict that to the appropriate credible sources (other Navy Officers) who can vouch for my improved moral character. At worst, I will have spent four years serving in the world's greatest Navy. At best, I achieve my dream of becoming a Naval Aviator. It's a win-win either way
(Yak, I do have a small biography written already. However, I would be willing to make any changes to it based on your recommendations. Thanks!)
(Yak, I do have a small biography written already. However, I would be willing to make any changes to it based on your recommendations. Thanks!)