You're missing the point and have no experience in the matters being discussed. Obviously Lawman is having pay issues - the point is that they're not going to randomly decide that he didn't rate getting paid.
He is having pay issues concerning a very specific type of pay that is not usual for most candidates. It is possible that someone screwed up originally and said he rated a certain benefit / pay when in fact he didn't. It is possible.
If my advice was lame, well ok, but I am just merely saying that he should not rely on getting that money before his rent is due and that he may have a bit of a fight about it as it goes on...
The pay he is having an issue with is concerning a Notice of Eligibility (NOE), which from what I have found so far is used for compensation of wages / temporary disability type pay for injuries incurred in the training commands less than 60 days (ie OCS). If I am off base here fine but that is what I am thinking.
I know guys who were hurt at OCS and while they got medical payments they didn't get E-1 pay until they were fully recovered, that is what I am talking about as far as them saying he may not rate it....