I've got mixed emotions. On one hand, I think a bunch of crazy fucktards like NK having nukes is a bad thing, and we should do all that we can to stop it...
Then reality sets in, nothing we do, short of boots on the ground, will deter these guys from seeking attention. And maybe, for once, someone ELSE should have to play World Police... We get nothing but shit from the world community, the Asian countries are all sick of us being there, and we would get no back-up from anyone but the standard allies (Australia, Canada, and maybe Britain)
I know the RIGHT answer is to not care and do the right thing. That we should be the "better man" in the fight. But this time, I say fuck it. Take all of our aid away from NK. Cut ties with them, tell China it's their problem now, pull our guys out of the DMZ in SK, take our ball and go home.
We would continue to work with Japan because they make a great FOB, and the sushi is pretty rockin', and SK can have all of the leftover weapons they want. But I think if NK didn't have the Americans to posture against, the Chinese wouldn't be propping them up to try and make us look bad; the military/police/industrial bottom would fall out of the state without Chicom support, and the resident asshat in charge would not be able to subdue his people. The problem would take care of itself.
Well, that rant is over...now I know what we will really do is go to the UN, whine about them, another "resolution" will get written, and nothing will happen. Yay...