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National guard pilot to active duty navy pilot


Registered User
My path has strayed a little since college, but I’m making my way back to my original goal of being a naval aviator like my father. My question is this; although I had planned on doing the normal application process through a recruiter again, a few weeks ago I was approached by the CO of an ANG F-16 squadron, and basically guaranteed an F-16 seat in AF flight school. Although that would be awesome, no doubt, I've always wanted to be an active duty naval aviator, not an AF weekend warrior. How difficult would it be for me to make the jump from ANG to active duty navy in a few years if that what I want to do? I realize that its kind of a round-a-bout way of getting there, but this guaranteed seat in flight school to fly fighters may just be that "once in a lifetime opportunity" that I just can't pass up. Any thoughts from someone in the know would certainly be appreciated. Look forward to hearing from everyone, all thoughts are welcome.:icon_smil

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
My question is what is your ultimate goal? Fighter pilot? Naval Aviator in ANYY platform? Naval Aviator in fighters? 20 year career? Serve your commitment and on to an airline?

If your goal is fighter pilot - this is a guaranteed slot and you should not pass it up. It is possible to inter-service transfer to the Navy latter on and chances are if you are a F-16 pilot it would be to jets. What are the specific chances of the inter-service transfer and Navy jets? I haven't a friggin clue. But it's possible and either way you would be meeting your goal.

If your goal is a 20 year Navy career as a Naval Aviator flying any platform, apply for the Navy and let someone else have the ANG slot.

If your goal is fighters, serve your commitment and onto the airlines - you just hit the lottery. The ANG is the best kept secret in military aviation. Fly when and as much as you want while getting military flight training with no or very little active duty commitment. Extensive networking with airline pilots at your ANG unit. A great supplemental income while at a regional airline building your time for the majors (great military pilot training but not enough flight time to go straight to a major from UPT & F-16 training). Taking military leave to fly a F-16 when you get a shitty bid line at the airline. Being able to "Guard bum" and earn a decent living without a full time job if you want to. Flying fighters as a part-time job with no real administrative responsibilities or ground jobs. It goes on and on.....

Don't get me wrong. I loved my Navy career and would go Navy over Air Force in the active duty world without a second thought. But in your situation I'd go with the ANG F-16 slot. You get to fly fighters without the hassles while having the simultaneous opportunity to explore other careers.


Ha, usually people are looking for ways to do the opposite- going from AD to ANG.

One of my friends was in your situation... he gave up the "basically garunteed" guard viper slot for Navy OCS and flight school... His reasoning was that he wanted to land on the carrier. He quals at the boat here shortly.

His decision turned out to be a good one In his opinion because while he was in primary the guard unit he would have been with got word that their planes were going somewhere else w/ brac... and something about UAVs i think. That being said, this kid has some pretty solid aviation connections etc, so he was in a position where he could pick and chose what he wanted.

I'm not sure how connected you are in the aviation community, but like you said, this might be that once in a lifetime oppertunity if things are truely the way you've portrayed them. You have many things to consider, like are wings of gold flying a helo, or prop full time worth giving up the silver winged, part time jet slot? Or, are you willing to turn away from one oppertunity to serve without knowing if you will be given the chance at another? These are all things you need to think about...

I originally applied to several different accession programs. Navy was my first choice- however there was a period of time where the only offer I got was from the AF. I was prepared to take it, because although it wasn't my first choice, it was better then nothing (which was my other option at the time). Then the Navy came along with a better deal and many years later, here I am...

If i was in your shoes and that offer was given to me, I would have jumped on it.


Jim told me I can buy Gaydar online
+2... if you can't transfer Navy what's the worst scenario... you'll be an F-16 fighter pilot. Is it possible to become active duty from ANG?


Super *********
Super Moderator
I'll just jump on what HAL said, if you want to become a fighter pilot, this is it. There is no guarnatee you'll get fighters in the Navy. If you just want to be a navy pilot, no matter what you fly, then go navy. If it were me, as much as I like being a navy pilot, knowing what I know now and had your chance, I'd take it.


500 ft. from said obstacle
Just out of curiosity which ANG squadron is it? I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind once or twice. I took a tour of the 144th FW det. here at March ARB once, F-16s, not a bad det. I'll go ahead and echo everyone else in saying that this is a golden opportunity for you. Even if you can't interservice transfer, its also possible to do an exchange tour with a Navy or Marine squadron.


Working Plan B
How "part time" is the Guard gig? When a much younger me lurked around baseops.net, it seemed to be more full that part time. Truth?


Just a B guy.
but this guaranteed seat in flight school to fly fighters may just be that "once in a lifetime opportunity" that I just can't pass up.

Ummmm...yeah. If you want to fly fighters, that is exactly what this is.

Jump on that, son. And jump quick.


So if he were to take the position, how difficult would it be to cross out of the blue into the... sea?


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
How "part time" is the Guard gig? When a much younger me lurked around baseops.net, it seemed to be more full that part time. Truth?

Depends, there are always oppurtunities for a reserve guy to fly and or do stuff to get paid, or do the minimum and still get paid, thuogh less. I know of several reserve guys who are "currently looking for jobs" to put it politely and maintaining a very comfortable lifestyle solely on reserve stuff. There are others who do basically the minimum due to primary job commitments. Where the rub is when it comes time to retirement benefits, reserve guys dont get anything until 60 and somewhat less than AD no matter how many days they came in as a reserve guy.
Any form of reserves is a great deal shuld you decide to get out/ do the ANG thing but you need some other form of income/job for retirement and or healthcare if you have a family to support.


Registered User
Thanks guys, you're confirming what my head was telling me, although my heart is still with the navy. Keep the comments coming.


Registered User
Im curious as to how the CO just "offered" you this opportunity. Don't they usually have fairly competitive boards of their own? What unit is this?