I know you have talked about this before, so I reread your posts on it, and I just want to make sure: I was selected for SWO, which was my first choice. That means they've already begun processing me for an OCS slot for SWO, and they are NOT waiting for the results of my other two boards to be released (I didn't make this IDC board, so that would be a long time from now) and for me to choose between options before they begin, right?
And a second question--how does the security clearance fit in to OCS dates / FINSEL? They finally started the background check for me recently, but I know it's a long process. I've seen some people get their clearance by the time they go to MEPS on here, so I have no idea whether they waited a long time to start mine, or what. But will I have to wait for clearance before being put into the waiting list to get an OCS date?