.... As for my profile, I am currently stalking everyone else's to see what is pertinent for my own. Pretty soon I will reveal what I came up with
jaimej, in order for the experienced NAs/NFOs (ol' salts like me), and our AW resident recruiting 'Pros to offer quality advice/answer your questions... we go FIRST to your
Profile - Personal Info: Most helpful are your goals - NA/NFO/SWO/SupO/Intel/CEC etc.; Educatioan: Univ./major & minor +overall GPA/ASTB-OAR scores/leadership experience/athletic participation (HS & College)/community service (volunteerism)/status of LORs/work experience/accomplishments, favorite sports & hobbies, etc.
We need to get to know you a bit as a person, to offer the best advice. Some who come here are leery on posting personal info on the internet, and rightly so, Don't want anything involving personal security (SSNs/phone or acct #s/usernames-passwords and such). The above applies to all new OCS applicants. As you progress through the application process to selection board, try to keep your
Info section updated.
Good luck to all.