Welp. Didn't get selected for anything I applied for. Guess it's grad school for me. Take care and good luck, friends.
Isn't the Intel board later this month?
Welp. Didn't get selected for anything I applied for. Guess it's grad school for me. Take care and good luck, friends.
Isn't the Intel board later this month?
I'll get with my OR once he get back to the office and look into SWO. Hopefully I can get selected through that route. Either way, I have always wanted to be a Naval officer. I'll keep trying until they tell me to go away. HA! *fingers crossed*Why don't you try for SWO
@CAJ0520 the new fiscal year starts with people graduating from the July 20th class (fiscal year for OCS is based on graduation date, not start date), and they already know their goals for the upcoming FY IIRC. Considering they're now filling people into Oct/Dec class dates, it's much more likely they just picked up such a large amount of applicants the last few boards and realize they don't need to keep selecting at the high rate as they're well on their way to meeting their quota. So I doubt it's them tightening up for a new year rather than having picked up so many applicants already, there's not many spots left to keep having 80% selection rates.
Just my guess
That could definitely explain the holding pattern and 30% rate if they're already reached/close to the soft goal. I'm just feeling blessed I made the last board with my scores...I'm sure the rate will swing back to being high again soon though for everyone else.They actually don't find out true goals until much later, until then it is an estimate, for instance the earliest I ever saw hard goals was I believe in Jan or maybe December of one year, one year it wasn't until late Feb/early March.
Depending on how the guy in charge runs things will depend how they work the "soft goals", I have seen it where they would not exceed 50% or previous years goals until the true goals came out, and I have seen it where they would go to 75%.
I have a question. I noticed that the SWO accession rates for FY 15 are going down. In March, the selection rate was 66% and in June it dropped to 58%. Is this a normal trend as the OCS seats are filled for the year? Also, is it safe to say that when the next SWO board is held that the percentage will drop even lower?
My OR made me do all of that before the Board even covened. I thought you had to have that done first? I suppose not, after reading your post...how long does it usually take to get clearance?
I was pro rec y for supply and swo. first choice is supply and found out this week. already went to meps two weeks ago and turned in my clearance papers two weeks ago also...
thanks guys
My OR made me do all of that before the Board even covened. I thought you had to have that done first? I suppose not, after reading your post...
You are asking for an answer that is dependent on several variables such as the number of applications rec'd, quality of applications, the number of spots the board decides to fill at this board, etc...
FYI the June board is one of the early boards in terms of how NRC works, generally the boards in April for example are used to fill remaining spots for the current FY and start filling spots for the next FY.
Put up the best application you can, the rest is out of your hands.